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Opinions of K12 Curriculum


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I am interested in hearing opinions of the K12 curriculum. I am not talking about the virtual acadamies through public schools. I am just curious about the actual curriculum itself.



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We enjoyed the K12 curriculum overall. Some courses were better than others, but we did really enjoy the whole experience. My favorites were the phonics, and the art and music courses. The math was apparently a different math than they had used in the past and was being tweaked during the time we used it but it was still pretty good. I have no complaints. If I didn't have to deal with a cyber charter we would still be using K12.

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SOME of the courses you can buy independently and use on your own. Some of them are set up to use online lessons and IMO you'd be missing much of the meat of the course if you just did the book work.


This is our 2nd year using K12 for language arts independently. Next year, when DS is in 6th grade, we will pay the monthly fee for the course since the lessons are online starting in 6th grade. For 4th & 5th we're just using the materials (there are no online lessons ~ just a schedule and checklist online ~ I schedule all our work myself & save that $300/yr). I purchase everything online then when our materials arrive I call and cancel the online portion so I'm not charged the monthly fee. They have never had a problem with me doing that, and I will probably do the same thing when my littles need elementary language arts. :)


We haven't tried any of their other courses, but I know most all of their highschool classes have the online lessons, and the science & history lessons for elementary grades are online. Just make sure the kids won't be missing out on anything before you cancel the monthly subscription! ;)


HTH!! :)

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We did enjoy the K12 curricula for K-4. I think it is very classical like. I do not have experience with the new math at K12 nor 4th grade history, science, art, or music. There is an online K12 expo for K12 public cyber schools starting tonight that might be useful even if you want to just purchase curricula. They also have demos so I would ask. I especially like their language arts, history, and art. OTOH there are other curricula that is just as good for less money such as STOW, FLL, WWE, etc.

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So you don't have to pay the online fee all year? I was looking at the art classes, and didn't really think we needed the online part, and hated to pay for it.


SOME of the courses you can buy independently and use on your own. Some of them are set up to use online lessons and IMO you'd be missing much of the meat of the course if you just did the book work.


This is our 2nd year using K12 for language arts independently. Next year, when DS is in 6th grade, we will pay the monthly fee for the course since the lessons are online starting in 6th grade. For 4th & 5th we're just using the materials (there are no online lessons ~ just a schedule and checklist online ~ I schedule all our work myself & save that $300/yr). I purchase everything online then when our materials arrive I call and cancel the online portion so I'm not charged the monthly fee. They have never had a problem with me doing that, and I will probably do the same thing when my littles need elementary language arts. :)


We haven't tried any of their other courses, but I know most all of their highschool classes have the online lessons, and the science & history lessons for elementary grades are online. Just make sure the kids won't be missing out on anything before you cancel the monthly subscription! ;)


HTH!! :)

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I've used several K12 courses independently.


Reviews of what I've used:


LA 2-4: K12's strength is the online presentation of it's literature strand and that is missing for these courses. The literature part is good, if a bit heavy on folktales and busywork, but the rest is very mediocre and filled with busywork.


History K: This was an excellent course all the way around, though if there were any worksheets, I probably eliminated them.


Science 1-4: We loved the science at first (1-3) but in level 4 they wanted the student to make conceptual leaps that were too big given the level of instruction.


History 4: Again, like History K, a truly excellent course. I eliminated the worksheets and had my son do assignments that I designed. The material was presented chronologically but also by theme, making the course coherent and memorable.


Life Science (regular version): Too light for my taste. They have an advanced version but I have not used it.


LA 6-8: We used the literature portion of these (again without worksheets) and they were great. Good selections, online presentation of lessons. I've also sporadically used the composition part of these courses. I would characterize it as typical schoolish writing lessons. If you've ever seen the program Write Source, it's like that.


I hope this helps. You can get a demo account by calling K12 and asking for it. It will give you access to just about all of the courses and lessons for a short time.

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I love K12 and have used it for several years. Often times I find the books online (Ebay, Amazon, craigslist) and teach from there. The online part is nice but a little to pricey for me.


The History is great and I love the English (language, literature, Comp and spelling) part. I am using Apologia Science and Teaching textbooks for Math. Although I did k12 math for at least 3 years and liked it. I needed more help teaching upper levels of math and so I switched to TT. If I can afford it I will do the K12 high school part online.


That is unless I find something better.

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I like K12 as long as its not involved with cyberschools. LOL

I have no experience with the new math but I'm not reading very good reviews about it either. Their math for K-5th grade previously was good. It wasn't the best I've used but its better then some others I've used too. Middle school math was awful. The manuals were of no help to me and they were teaching pre algebra in 6th grade so I needed some extra help in that area and the manuals just had the answers. No solutions.


I like the history and science , and their reading is excellent.


art was a bit boring as its just learning about art and not really doing to much with art. I know you need the online stuff to complete the art. Its not all in the workbooks. The lessons for it are online and the workbooks contain the activities that you do if there are some.


The music is just down right awful. I can't explain it but we hated it with a passion and just totally skipped it.

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We used k12 in a cyberschool - no longer doing that.



Loved literature. History and science were good too.

If we could have afforded it, I would have continued using their English/ Literature.


Did not like the new math last year.


No experience with art of music (our state didn't have the funding for those).


Julie :001_smile:

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