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Can you recommend an awesome beach read?

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I'm spending several days at the beach and would love a fantastic book to read.


Nothing non fiction; although I normally love non fiction.


I LOVED The Help. I'm hoping to find a great novel that I just can't put down.


Any suggestions?



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Well, in terms of genre. . . I should have said. I don't love mysteries or crime. (Life freaks me out enough as it is.)


Right now I'm reading Still Alice. It's about a very competent Harvard prof. who gets early Alzheimer's. Sounds like a drag, but it's really good. Plus my family is riddled with Alzheimer's so I'm interested in the topic.


It's so good, in fact, that I'm thinking of saving the second half for the beach! :001_smile:


Yes, I LOVED The Help. I really enjoyed The Glass Castle. Very good. Sometimes -- not always -- I like Chick Lit like Good in Bed, In Her Shoes. Those were both hard to put down.


A friend of mine write true crime and, ugh, I really can't take those. Again, life is hard enough without getting pulled into those details.


Poisonwood Bible was excellent. I read Middlesex, but it wasn't hard to put down. Beekeeper's Apprentice? I don't remember the story, but I seem to remember that it was really good. Bel Canto, I hate to admit, I couldn't get into. I know friends LOVED it. I don't know what my problem was.


Thanks for your suggestions!



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Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. Great book, historical fiction.


I have recently discovered Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. They are very funny in parts, so not your typical mystery novels. Great "twaddle" for grown-ups. :D

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Secret Life of Bees- Sue Monk Kidd

Ladder of Years-Anne Tyler

Saint Maybe- Anne Tyler

No.1 Ladies Dectective Agency-McCall

The Bean Trees-Barbara Kingsolver

Isle of Palms, Sullivan's Island - Dorthea Benton Frank


The Dorthea Benton Frank books are beachy in every way!! They are light, funny, and have some history. They are more innocent than Evanovich. They are not thinking books, rather light, fun reading.

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I read The Help and loved it. Also read Still Alice and really liked it so our tastes could be somewhat similiar.


I recently finished Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Wiener and really enjoyed it. I remember thinking it would be a great beach or vacation read. It is a funny, feel-good kind of book, with a little bit of action thrown in. There is one part that is unbelievable (kind of corny imo). If it wasn't for that I would probably say that I loved this book!

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