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New challenges for Airline Security - Implanted bombs

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I just heard that a Yemen cell of terrorists have approached a surgeon if he would implant bombs for them.

Evidently a certain part of our anatomy has enough fat layers that it could be hidden from screening devices...and not felt during pat downs unless you squeeze....

Do you think American Airlines will adopt a policy like El Al? Would it make flying safer in your opinion?

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I think the TSA needs to merge with the medical practice. We could hire Drs to do the patdowns, kill two birds with one stone so to speak. :glare: Seriously, if they start stating they must feel you up in order to board a plane, I'll probably quit flying. Not that I fly much lately, but I like to have the option there, just in case.

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Really wondering what others think about this. :bigear:


I am thinking that determined terrorists won't need to do that to cause destruction in the US.


A few remote control car bombs in well populated areas will swing our attention away from the airlines anyway.

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Do you think American Airlines will adopt a policy like El Al? Would it make flying safer in your opinion?


I am not sure it would help. I think enemies of the US government are different than the enemies of the government of Israel. I think the US government's enemies are too diverse for profiling to truly help. There are segments of society that would love for us to believe it would. That is all I have to say.

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I am not sure it would help. I think enemies of the US government are different than the enemies of the government of Israel. I think the US government's enemies are too diverse for profiling to truly help. There are segments of society that would love for us to believe it would. That is all I have to say.


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Body cavity searches would end all flying for us. What they do now can be invasive enough if you get an overzealous TSA agent.


Quite frankly, I don't think the terrorists need to up the ante in reality. They've already won based on fear alone. We're so scared of possibilities, that we're allowing our rights the founding fathers created to be slowly stripped away. We're moving closer and closer to Big Brother and ppl are going willingly in the name of fear and safety.

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What specific rights do you mean?



The Fourth Amendment


"The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects personal privacy, and every citizen's right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into their persons, homes, businesses, and property -- whether through police stops of citizens on the street, arrests, or searches of homes and businesses."


Although I've heard it defended because entering the secure area of an airport is implying consent to be searched unreasonably.

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The Fourth Amendment


"The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects personal privacy, and every citizen's right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion into their persons, homes, businesses, and property -- whether through police stops of citizens on the street, arrests, or searches of homes and businesses."


Although I've heard it defended because entering the secure area of an airport is implying consent to be searched unreasonably.


Thank you.


I misread what Peela wrote. I thought she was speaking of more legislation that would limit our rights.

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I need to refrain from reading any more airline or TSA threads until dd, the baby and I are safely home from Hawaii. I already can't sleep at night (don't really like flying and not much looking forward to it), and the barrage of posts about crappy security are making me NUTS!

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I need to refrain from reading any more airline or TSA threads until dd, the baby and I are safely home from Hawaii. I already can't sleep at night (don't really like flying and not much looking forward to it), and the barrage of posts about crappy security are making me NUTS!


:grouphug: You will have an amazing flight holding that precious little one. :grouphug:

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Great! The body scanners can search for surgical scars and TSA can terrorize cancer survivors everywhere!


(The fine print on cancer treatment should list side effects of public humiliation when going through airport security, forever after. It's completely ridiculous that the disabled and cancer survivors have to get extra screening. We aren't more likely to be terrorists, and we have enough problems already, thankyouverymuch.)

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My 88 year old father in law had terrible trouble with US customs last time he came through US from Canada to Australia. He had a medical certificate explaining about the artificial knee and the rod in his leg, but after the metal detector went off and they couldn't find the supposed gun strapped to his leg with a pat down he had had enough. they quickly let him through when he pulled his pants down to show them the scar.

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