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What is the best Lord of the rings audio book?

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We had a discussion about this once, but I believe it was on the old board. I didn't find what I'm looking for by searching the new boards.


Anyway, abridged is completely out of the question, and I'm mostly sure I don't want it dramatized (unless you tell me it is THE best!).


I don't know how many times one can read LOTR as a read aloud without destroying the vocal chords, but my voice would appreciate a break this year!:D



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Ooh! Pick me, pick me! :D


My dds are loving the unabridged, non-dramatized version narrated by Rob Ingliss.* I got The Hobbit first, and they so loved it that they not only regaled us with passages daily, they begged for LOTR. I found it at Amazon.


HTH :001_smile:


*He does great voices and sings the songs. :)

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