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Forego chemistry this year and let dd take exercise physiology instead?

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Dd took biology last year and the plan is to follow-up with chemistry in the fall.


However, we saw the exercise physiology/sports medicine class offered at homeschoolscienceacademy.com and dd is very interested. However, chemistry is a required course and exercise physiology is not.


Should I stray from the plan and let her take chemistry next year? She's not necessarily leaning toward the medical field, but loves exercise and health.


WWYD? Take chemistry this year and exercise physiology next or let her take the physiology class this year and pick up chemistry next year?



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Dd took biology last year and the plan is to follow-up with chemistry in the fall.


However, we saw the exercise physiology/sports medicine class offered at homeschoolscienceacademy.com and dd is very interested. However, chemistry is a required course and exercise physiology is not.


Should I stray from the plan and let her take chemistry next year? She's not necessarily leaning toward the medical field, but loves exercise and health.


WWYD? Take chemistry this year and exercise physiology next or let her take the physiology class this year and pick up chemistry next year?




Could she use the course as her health credit?


Unless she is pretty sure about what she wants to do or where she wants to attend, I personally would be hesitant about dedicating a yr to exercise physiology as a science credit. If she were applying as a sports medicine major, I think it might be an interesting course demonstrating the ability to develop interests as a homeschooler. Even then, with my kids I would make it an additional course on top of the traditional. (my ds is doing that with multiple astronomy courses.)


So, could she take both?

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Unless she is pretty sure about what she wants to do or where she wants to attend, I personally would be hesitant about dedicating a yr to exercise physiology as a science credit.



Could she take both, chemistry as a required science course, and exercise physiology as an elective?

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WWYD? Take chemistry this year and exercise physiology next or let her take the physiology class this year and pick up chemistry next year?


I'd do that. As long as you've examined the course and it looks high school quality, and she's going to do chem the next year. I think it might actually look good on a transcript, although I know there are some state schools that frown on good-looking transcripts and prefer the cookie-cutter technique :tongue_smilie:



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Not that I would give up taking chemistry, but what is it required for? All the colleges ds applied to said "lab science" and did not specify which ones. And I don't remember any requiring four years of science.


Sometimes I wish I had taken exercise physiology, but it wasn't offered back then. It could help explain all my aches and pains now. :D


I'd let her do both too. It would definitely fit as a health credit.

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as is letting her take it as an elective. I did purchase Total Health and dd is excited about using it, but she may be more excited about exercise physiology as a health credit...and, depending on how hard she wants to work, she could add it as an elective if she wants to stick with Total Health.


Thank you for all the excellent suggestions. I really didn't want her to give up chemistry this year.

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I'll be very interested to hear how she likes the Exercise Physiology class. I just looked at it online and will keep it in mind for the future.


My twins are dancers and we've spent many, many, many hours at the physical therapist while one of them recovered from foot surgery earlier this year. She now really would like to pursue exercise phys or PT later in life.



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I didn't realize it was only a semester long at first...it really seems it would fit best as an elective or health credit, doesn't it? We're planning to add it in as an elective.


Thanks for sharing the review. It sounds fun!






There is a nice review in this thread.
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