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What's a simple but effective workbook for the Main Idea?


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I'm not good at making up my own main idea questions. My soon to be fourth grade dd, just never (well, hardly ever) gets the main idea correct in a multiple choice workbook. She is very good at reading comprehension though. What workbook would help her (and I) with this?


or any other resources you can think of,

what do you think the problem is?


Thank you!

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If not, is this something you are familiar with?


Narrations involve asking a child to tell you something he just read, or something you read aloud to him , in his own words. Some children add too many details; others can't think of what to say :001_smile: but doing narrations may help your dc develop the skill of finding the main idea.


WTM and FLL both include a more detailed description of how to do this; I anticipate the SWB's new book Writing With Ease will address this topic as well.


I'm sure others will chime in with more helpful ideas :hat:

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because, yes, we have done narrations. She did FLL and I have read the WTM a couple times, also CM material! It's just that when faced with a test prep, or workbook form of mutiple choice questions she doesn't get it!

:confused: It should be a piece of cake for her, she seems so bright.


Maybe I'm not connecting with her on her narrating? My youngest dd dosen't seem to have a problem in this area, so I'm assuming it's not me.


Thanks for the link, that new program looks good! :001_smile:

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