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need to get healthy again

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I just got back some test results... I have high cholesterol and am pre-diabetic. I've known about the pre-diabetes for years,but have recently just been eating whatever I want. After talking to the nurse today , I learned that my Doctor wants me to start a low sugar low cholesterol diet and begin daily exercise. I'm not surprised. I needed a kick to eat right and exercise again.


So, I'm starting today.


Posting here because I need some encouragment.



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We just had to make some major changes in our family for similar reasons. We even moved so that dh could walk to work. We have been making the changes slowly and steadily. When we backslide we just get back up and do it again! It can be done, just don't try to change everything at once. HTH!

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Do some research on low cholesterol diets. They often aren't what they're cracked up to be. I've known far more people who have gotten healthier on low carb diets than on low cholesterol diets.


Regardless of which route you choose, you can do it!


:iagree: This is what we have done and dh's lab results are getting better and better every time he goes. In fact, he eats high cholesterol foods and low carb. A typical breakfast is a hunk of cheese and a glass of raw milk or a glass of raw milk with molasses and raw eggs in it. And like I said before, he is also getting plenty of exercise.

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Do some research on low cholesterol diets. They often aren't what they're cracked up to be. I've known far more people who have gotten healthier on low carb diets than on low cholesterol diets.


I agree.


1. Your liver produces a lot of cholesterol.

2. Your body needs cholesterol fto manufacture hormones.

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I absolutely agree with low carb versus low cholesterol. I wouldn't go overboard on eating all kinds of fat, but animal fats, in proportion, are actually healthy. I'm convinced it's the carbs that's the culprit for many health issues.


I'd begin by doing low glycemic veggies, limited fruit - and lower sugar fruits, and healthy carbs like brown basmati rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat.


You will feel FANTASTIC once you're making progress. You will notice a change in your stamina and overall well being!!!:thumbup:

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Someone on this board recently recommended a documentary called Fat Head in a thread I was reading. My husband and I both really enjoyed it. We streamed it over Netflix. Definitely learned more about cholesterol and animal fat. Wish I could remember who suggested it so I could give them credit!

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Adding this to my list of watches.


I am currently watching Fat, Sick, and Almost Dead. Very eye opening.


Subbing because I am at the end of what I can tollerate with my weight and health. I am exhausted all the time and feel horrible.


Low carb is difficult because I really don't like meat and I feel foggy and heavy (just a heavy feeling) when I eat low carb.




Someone on this board recently recommended a documentary called Fat Head in a thread I was reading. My husband and I both really enjoyed it. We streamed it over Netflix. Definitely learned more about cholesterol and animal fat. Wish I could remember who suggested it so I could give them credit!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Agreeing that one thing at a time is a good idea. Imo, it should be sugar and simple carbs you should cut first because of the pre-diabetes.


In March, for the first time in many years, I started exercising and dieting. I made a plan to give up one thing at a time. It has worked well because I have yet to feel deprived. First went sugary drinks like soda and those yummy frappes from McDonalds. :) When that became easy, I stopped eating anything with whites...white flour, potatoes, rice, white pasta. When that too became easy, I started eating meats that were lean (no more bacon and sausage!). So basically I ended up with a low glycemic, low fat diet with lots of veggies, lean meats, and low glycemic fruits.


Oh, and don't forget to really up your water intake. That will make a huge difference in how you feel. You will probably feel crummy for awhile...it is a big change to make. You CAN do it!!!!!

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I recommend chromium for pre-diabetes. You can read up on it at:




What can high-chromium foods do for you?


Help maintain normal blood sugar and insulin levels

Support normal cholesterol levels

What events can indicate a need for more high-chromium foods?


Hyperinsulinemia (elevated blood levels of insulin)

High blood pressure

High triglyceride levels

High blood sugar levels

High cholesterol levels

Insulin resistance

Low HDL cholesterol .....


Try this type of chromium: http://www.iherb.com/Nature-s-Way-GTF-Chromium-Polynicotinate-100-Capsules/1918?at=1 You can also try cinnamon: http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Cinnamon-Bark-1600-mg-20-Capsules/1103?at=1


For high cholesterol, I don't suggest a low-cholesterol diet - instead try for good fats which are lacking in the American diet (omega-3 - fish oil, fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and omega-9 - olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds). Avoid omega-6 (soybean oil, "vegetable" oil, corn oil - that is too common in the American diet). IMO, better to do low-carb than low-fat diet. Probably the easiest thing to do is take 2-3 teaspoons of fish oil/day (I recommend Carlson lemon-flavored - very mild).

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Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.


I've done OK so far.... not great, but OK.


I have not exercised as much as I need to. We've had some really hot weather, some rainy days, plus with school starting all the routines take a few weeks to settle in.


I blew it today with a Sonic ice cream cone. :001_huh: But I've had every few "cheats". I already eat pretty healthy and I've been on diabetic diet before, so the food part has not been that big of adjustment.


The main problem is 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.:tongue_smilie:

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ITA on the low carb diet and not necessarily doing a low cholesterol/low fat diet.


Look into the info on cholesterol particle size and the influence of grains/sugar/carbs on particle size. Gary Taubes has some great books (if you feel comfortable reading a lot of sciencey stuff Good Calories, Bad Calories is great. Terrible name, but a well-referenced, excellent book. If you aren't as into "sciencey" stuff he has a newer book called Why We Get Fat. FWIW, I hate both of the titles of those books but they are excellent at explaining the issues w/ the fat causes heart disease hypothesis, and the influence of insulin on metabolic syndrome (something you will want to look into if you haven't yet)).


This article is IMO a pretty good starting point on the particle size/lipid issue:



My family LCs and here are some sites we find helpful:






and the LC friends forums.


I've heard good things about Dr. Bernstein on LCF:



eta: you may also want to look into magnesium supplementation. If you search for diabetes or insulin resistance and magnesium, you will get some good references with a little digging. Have you ever had your vitamin D levels checked? They can also impact glucose tolerance. Many women are deficient in D. It is best to test before supplementing.

Edited by Momof3littles
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I am in a similar boat. I am prediabetic, and overweight. On top of that I'm an RN so I should know better. For me I use the excuse (I say excuse but I'm sure all the moms on here can understand and relate) that I am always doing things for other people and am too busy to take the time to work out. Frankly, for me it's a cop out. I hate working out - I would rather pull my fingernails off than exercise most days. School work with the kids, laundry, cleaning - it's all more enjoyable than exercising. However - it is the one thing I do for myself everyday to get/stay healthy - to be there for my life, for my kids' lives and to share a wonderful life with the love of my life. I had to make drastic changes. I'm an all or nothing sort of girl. I've lost twenty pounds and I don't dare say how much farther I have to go but needless to say it will be a LONG journey. Do what will work for you. For us it was drastic changes in diet and exercising EVERYDAY even when I don't want to - I make the kids exercise with me. I figure I'm making sure they are healthy too :tongue_smilie:.

Keep it up, and rememeber one set back doesn't end the battle - keep fighting it everyday and when you fall down get up - this is too important for you, for your family. KEEP GOING!!!!!

(ok that last part was for me too.... :001_smile: sometimes I need encouragement too!)

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