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Need Detox Diet Advice

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Thanks again! I've been following your advice, and I feel much better. I was able to run again last night without feeling like a ton of bricks were sitting inside me. DH, unfortunately, has not been following these ideas when out of the house. He was still miserable last night after succumbing to cupcakes and milkshakes at the office yesterday and lunches out with his boss this week! Either he'll become so miserable, he'll learn, or he'll just burst. : )

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I'm very familiar with detoxing.


I use a juicer, all organic, lots of water and supplements (vitamins). For a critical element of fiber, I add psyillum husk and throw in a salad every few days.


It takes about 30 days to hit a highly noticeable effect (skin, energy, sleep, clarity) pattern.


I would also say the foundation of all is exercise, positive thinking changes.


Be advised that once you start and begin to feel "better" and respond, and then you go back to anything processed or chemically added your body may revolt by responding with immediate signs such as hives, nausea, mood problems etc.


Once a person is "cleaned" out, it's rather difficult when you go "back".


I would say it's a lifestyle change absolutely; but for me, a good one.


Do not mess with net literature for a guide, it is dangerous and innaccurate; do try to find a professional (I use a naturopath) to assist you, check blood levels etc.


I would also say that pro-biotics are critical to the process, you must keep your intestinal flora in balance. Being organic is very expensive as well; and this takes more planning and thought than you may expect. There is a lot of discipline involved.


Protein is something to be aware of also, I happen to use supplements, two different types. One is a whey, the other is a slower release protein for night.


It is a day and night difference. Even if you go through this detox for a short time, you will see great benefits.


Good luck to you.

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I use the Food Combining 2 Day Detox once in a while and it is awesome. Of course, the first several hours with no caffine is a real killer and I feel like I've been scraped off the pavement, but after about 10 hours I feel great and the next day is always wonderful. Of course Katherine Marsden is a beauty doctor and her food plans make you look good too;)

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Any improvement on your diet will facilitate detoxing.


More fruit, more vegetables, more raw food. Cut dairy and sugar and reduce meat. YOu ill detox.


Half a lemon squeezed into warm water first thing in teh morning gives the liver a good kick to start the day. Its a very easy to do but effective detox.


Do not eat past your normal dinner time, which should be no later than 7pm and preferably earlier.


Preferably eat your biggest meal in the middle of the day. Your body detoxes at night time while you sleep- it is best to sleep with an empty stomach so that it can really do its job.

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