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Uh Oh...Dr Called

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:grouphug: and prayers continue.


I wanted to share that more than once I have received bad preliminary test results which later were ruled out by more sophisticated testing. In the end, I had never been diagnosed with what the initial suspicion was.:grouphug:

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Thank you to everyone.


I do appreciate all the prayer, support, and concern. Truly. But Karyn/SpecialMama is right.


I don't have any updates or answers. I won't for a while, since I have a slew of testing to get through, and no idea how long those results will take. I go for a specialist appt today, but that's basically to arrange for more testing, so I won't have any answers.


Prayers for the testing to come back clear and for strength for Wolf and I while this is happening is very much coveted and appreciated.


Thank you all.

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Thank you to everyone.


I do appreciate all the prayer, support, and concern. Truly. But Karyn/SpecialMama is right.


I don't have any updates or answers. I won't for a while, since I have a slew of testing to get through, and no idea how long those results will take. I go for a specialist appt today, but that's basically to arrange for more testing, so I won't have any answers.


Prayers for the testing to come back clear and for strength for Wolf and I while this is happening is very much coveted and appreciated.


Thank you all.


Prayers for you and all of yours.


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Thinking, thinking, thinking of you and praying for you, Wolf and Baby Joshua.


Just throwing this out there... I hope that whatever is going on will turn out to get you finally off the hook with the workman's comp (whatever it's called) board, but will not end up being anything actually significant enough to affect your daily life and long term health. I am praying that the Lord will use this hardship to liberate you from their control and limitations.


I know it's hard to wait, and hard to not let your mind go far ahead in worry. I am praying that *today* your day will be a precious one.


Be strong and courageous, friend, for the LORD your God is with you!

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Thinking, thinking, thinking of you and praying for you, Wolf and Baby Joshua.


Just throwing this out there... I hope that whatever is going on will turn out to get you finally off the hook with the workman's comp (whatever it's called) board, but will not end up being anything actually significant enough to affect your daily life and long term health. I am praying that the Lord will use this hardship to liberate you from their control and limitations.


I know it's hard to wait, and hard to not let your mind go far ahead in worry. I am praying that *today* your day will be a precious one.


Be strong and courageous, friend, for the LORD your God is with you!


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Praying for both of you still. This made me think of you, so I wanted to share...


"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand." ~Isaiah 41:10



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:grouphug: Sending cyber hugs cuz my dh took the car. :glare:

Praying for a miracle!!!:grouphug:


Cause yesterday was SO long ago :tongue_smilie:


Packing the Littles off for quiet time and going to hide under the covers for a bit. The cold/damp is playing Hades with RSD.

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I thought of you the other day in a totally unrelated to this way. I went for a physical and asked about a specialist referal for my scoliosis. I haven't had it looked at since I was 22. The lady told me it didn't cause pain and argued with meabout it, saying that it must've been something else wrong and I shouldn't go to the chiro so much. It was so discouraging and I wanted to punch her. Easy for you to say, lady, you don't live in my body. The chiro enables me to function. Anyway, I thought about you and how incredibly discouraging it must be to have to face that regularly.

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