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What do I need to know about foxes?

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My eldest told me that he has noticed a fox running the neighborhood for several nights now. Twice in the last week he has seen one in our yard. I have never seen one but I don't often come home late in the evening as ds does.


I'm wondering if his den is close to our house. We live on a wooded lot but our neighborhood is definitely suburbia, with houses fairly close together. There would be plenty for it to eat as we have lots of small rodents (chipmunks, squirrels) in the yard. My dd plays in the yard nearly everyday and sometimes after dark with her friend who lives across the street. We also have a 6 month old lab (about 35 lbs) who is outside unsupervised and on a chain occasionally. Should we worry about dd and the puppy being outside? Should I call animal control or the village to alert them of the fox's presence? I'll leave it alone if I can be sure it will leave us alone.

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There are lots of fox where we live. They don't tend to come out during the day if people or dogs are around, although they are not strictly nocturnal. We've had them come sniffing near our chicken pens late afternoon, or earlier if they think they can get something. You know, 'Sly like a fox." ;) Seeing them at night is good; meaning better than in the day.


Animals are sorta kinda a part of life. :)


Here's a whole site on the cuties:



Edited by LibraryLover
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We live on a large wooded lot and have seen foxes here, as well as at our business. I don't pay them any more mind than possums and raccoons, which we also see. I don't see anything wrong with letting your neighbors know when you see them, but I wouldn't call animal control.

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We live on a large wooded lot and have seen foxes here, as well as at our business. I don't pay them any more mind than possums and raccoons, which we also see. I don't see anything wrong with letting your neighbors know when you see them, but I wouldn't call animal control.

I wouldn't, either.

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I recently saw one in my driveway...and I live in a metro, non wooded area. I called animal control. They don't do wildlife. I called the wildlife folks (can't remember which agency that was....). I was invited to catch it myself and euthanize it. Seriously???? Or, I could call in--at my expense--someone to come catch it.


It went into the neighbor's garage, so I called them and made it their problem. I haven't see the fox since. :-)

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Foxes can be a danger to cats and definitely are a danger to chickens. One broke into our chicken coop last week and killed three chickens before we were able to get out there (noise woke us up at 4am). Unfortunately, we weren't able to get the fox. His/her days are limited though.


Unless rabid, they aren't a danger to people or larger critters.

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Should we worry about dd and the puppy being outside? Should I call animal control or the village to alert them of the fox's presence? I'll leave it alone if I can be sure it will leave us alone.


We had foxes when living in suburbia. One in particular had a path over our back fence, through our yard, over the front fence, down the street to a field. We saw him enough to know that it was both a morning and night routine. If your dog begins noticing it, the fox may change it's path and avoid your yard.


(Other than the already-mentioned rabies,) you don't have to worry that your dd or dog will be attacked by the fox. They are both way too big. A cat might be in danger, but that's not typical unless the fox is very, very hungry--and brave.


Foxes even in cities are not uncommon, poor things. I wouldn't treat it any differently than a raccoon or skunk.

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