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If you asked instead of letting him deal with his own mother I'd say you'd have to handle the resulting attack yourself.


I would have probably listened to her rant and then said "Well, I'll take that as a yes."


Yes, your dh should have stepped in, but what exactly were you thinking?

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In this case I would seriously have to sit back and laugh about how ridiculous the situation is. Is your mil typically drunk? Perhaps your dh was embarrassed about it and just didn't know how to handle the situation. I think I would probably talk rationally (:lol: I'm not a rational person) to dh about it so he would know what to do the next time it happened. But yep, I would be a little ticked.

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Remuda beat me to it.


I came back, wondering what on earth would have prompted you to ask if she was drunk, why not have gotten your dh to deal with it.


I was thinking solely of being cursed out and yelled at while dh stood idly by. For that, my response remains the same.

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every so often she starts texting me out of the blue and ranting and all about why am I trying to keep her grandkids from her. I usually play it calm and tell her she's always welcome to visit, yadda yadda.. This time, my phone wasn't working properly and she apparently tried at call. It didn't ring. She called and called, it still didn't ring. I was sitting right there beside it. so she texts me "If I'm a woman I'd call her". What the.... So I called. She cursed me from top to bottom wishing I would burn in hell and everything else. So, I asked. Are you drunk?

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You shouldn't have asked the question, but that's no excuse for your mil to curse at you. Your dh should have your back no matter what. It's hard to say what I would do without more information. Were you just being flippant and rude or was it a situation where she was going to drink & drive?

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every so often she starts texting me out of the blue and ranting and all about why am I trying to keep her grandkids from her. I usually play it calm and tell her she's always welcome to visit, yadda yadda.. This time, my phone wasn't working properly and she apparently tried at call. It didn't ring. She called and called, it still didn't ring. I was sitting right there beside it. so she texts me "If I'm a woman I'd call her". What the.... So I called. She cursed me from top to bottom wishing I would burn in hell and everything else. So, I asked. Are you drunk?


:grouphug: That sounds so difficult. I imagine your dh was just embarrassed by the whole situation.

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What would you do if your MIL cursed you out because you asked if she was drunk and your husband didn't do a single thing?


I would think he grew up with a drunk mother and knew how futile dealing with her was.


If he is good to you generally, and MIL doesn't live with you, I'd let it go. I do admit to having thick skin, and stay away (in my personal life) from cursers, drunk or not.

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every so often she starts texting me out of the blue and ranting and all about why am I trying to keep her grandkids from her. I usually play it calm and tell her she's always welcome to visit, yadda yadda.. This time, my phone wasn't working properly and she apparently tried at call. It didn't ring. She called and called, it still didn't ring. I was sitting right there beside it. so she texts me "If I'm a woman I'd call her". What the.... So I called. She cursed me from top to bottom wishing I would burn in hell and everything else. So, I asked. Are you drunk?

So it wasn't face to face, but on the phone.


What was he supposed to do, wrestle the phone away?


Next time, hang up. Easy.

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every so often she starts texting me out of the blue and ranting and all about why am I trying to keep her grandkids from her. I usually play it calm and tell her she's always welcome to visit, yadda yadda.. This time, my phone wasn't working properly and she apparently tried at call. It didn't ring. She called and called, it still didn't ring. I was sitting right there beside it. so she texts me "If I'm a woman I'd call her". What the.... So I called. She cursed me from top to bottom wishing I would burn in hell and everything else. So, I asked. Are you drunk?


:lol: Oh, I get it. First, she cursed you . . . then you asked if she was drunk. So, I have to ask . . . was she drunk?


The obvious solution to your mil problem is to get a new cell phone number. If the only person she can call or text is dh, then he's the one who has to deal with her ranting.

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For Pete's sake, just block her number.


You could always tape her and play it back to her when she's sober?

Or release the tapes to the public? Or tell her you're putting her on speaker?


I wouldn't even think about taking her seriously. And she'd get nowhere near my kids.

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What would you do if your MIL cursed you out because you asked if she was drunk and your husband didn't do a single thing?
She cursed me from top to bottom wishing I would burn in hell and everything else. So, I asked. Are you drunk?
Oh totally different..... Seeing you were on the phone with her, I wouldn't expect dh to do anything and I wouldn't stay on the phone with her. My MIL used to be a heavy drinker and so she was never alone with the boys. Thankfully she's not a heavy drinker anymore.
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