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Has anyone used the Veritas Press Comprehension Guide for Narnia?

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This is listed on the VP website under 3rd grade literature. I'm thinking of using this with my 5th grade daughter, hoping that it will not be too simple. It's not just a check to see if the student has actually read the book, correct?



No, it's not just a check to see if they've read the book. There are lots of vocabulary sheets, as well as fun projects and comprehension worksheets.
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We used it a few years ago. At the time, my DS was in 3rd grade. My son had not previously had a lot of writing experience, so it was a bit of a challenge. Some of their questions made for longer answers. We started out having him dicatating it while we wrote the answer and transitioned him slowly to writing the answers on his own by the end of the year.

I thought the comprehension guide was great though! It did an excellent job of tying the stories into the Bible, had great questions, and even some fun activities throughout. It even had a recipe for "Turkish Delight!".



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