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How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?

How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?  

  1. 1. How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?

    • At least once per week
    • 2-4 times per month (or more)
    • maybe every 3 months
    • Twice per year, at least
    • Every other year
    • Huh? We get to do that?
    • Other

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I'm not big on eating out in the first place, so going out is not a big priority for me. I'd rather spend the time with the whole family and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. Call me unromantic, but there it is.


While I love going out to dinner, I'm with you in that I'd rather spend time with the whole family, so the five of us go out to eat quite frequently.


I think the last time dh and I actually went out to dinner alone was when our teen was 4 weeks old and my mom thought we needed "a break" so she shooed us out the door and babysat while we went to eat at a restaurant around the corner from our home.


One thing I would like to do as a couple is to start golfing again. Before we had kids (and, actually, throughout my pregnancy with my oldest) we went golfing every couple of weeks. At this point, I probably wouldn't even remember how to swing a club...

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Does it count that my husband was off on Friday and the kids were at VBS so he went with me to my dentist appointment? If that counts than I'd say once a year.


If it doesn't, then never.


BUT our marriage hasn't suffered. I imagine if we really wanted to make it a priority we would FIND someone to pay to watch our children. We'd rather just pile in the bed with the kids and watch a movie with popcorn. Tons cheaper and just as much fun.

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I voted maybe every 3 months and the truth is that we have no excuse for not doing it more. My mom is pretty much ALWAYS available to babysit. We just don't seem to think about going out just the two of us very much. If we go out, we go out as a family. I think it helps that our kids are not little anymore and it isn't as big of a deal to just go out with the kids. And that we are just pretty happy to watch Netflix on our big tv and eat snacks.

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I consider myself really lucky - after baby-DS was born, DH suggested we hire a pt nanny so I'd have some help and uninterrupted time to do homeschool with DS (or have mommy & older DS time); part of her hours is one night a week where we can get out on a date -OR- attend a function we need to....so it usually works out that we have two dates a month and two business functions (sans kids) and the kids are home with her until we get back! I love, love, love it!

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We went out more when we lived in Florida and less over here. I voted other because sometimes it is a few times a month and then we go a few months without any time. Since May, we have gone out about five times plus our first overnight (and actually two nights away) trip (househunting but still nice), and we are also going out this week. BUt mostly, we haven't been out much here (more in the summer since we go to a few adult socials at the pool) since my dh travels so much and also we hate the traffic and so tend not to want to travel much during busy traffic times which is most of the time. I think we will go out more this upcoming year but am not sure how much dh will travel and also whether dd will be okay with being alone in the house - my youngest will be the only child left at home and while she is old enough, I don't know how she will be feeling after we move. I think it will depend on how quickly she makes friends.

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