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Bad mother of the year award goes to....

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ME! Today...I lost my daughter's guinea pig. Yes lost as in couldn't find her ANYWHERE.


DD has three guinea pigs named after her 3 BFFs. She is off at summer camp with their human counterparts. They (the piggies), being female, tend to bicker and nitpick at each other from time to time. Some days I want to call Bravo and suggest they have their own Real Piggies of New Jersey show. *sigh* One in particular, Faith, is a bit of a bully. Today she was chasing the other 2 around the cage and just being obnoxious in general. I was annoyed at all the drama and flying bedding and whatnot so I took her out and put her in a clothes basket to remove her from the problem for a few minutes. Ok, yes I put a GUINEA PIG in timeout. Yes I realize how goofy that sounds. Just humor me, ok? lol!


I left her in there for a few minutes to let them all cool off and did a couple of chores. I was folding a basket of clothes and got to the bottom and suddenly remembered Faith was still in her clothes basket!! EEK!!! I don't know how much time had passed. 30 minutes or so. Oops! I went running in there and SHE WAS GONE!!!!!!! Apparently we have magic in our clothes baskets (inside joke to the Valley Forge people...lol!). DS had been playing outside and the back door was partially open. *insert heart attack here*


I called DS in to help me look for her. We looked under the furniture. No Faith. In the dollhouse (they love the dollhouse). No Faith. Under the bookshelf. No Faith. I decided to straighten up the piggie supplies and she suddenly darts out from behind the bedding and runs past us. AHA!!!!!!! She was a little shaken up still (how she got out of the basket is beyond me) so it took ds and I both to snatch her and put her back in the cage but she's back safe and sound.


We had our two boy piggies pass away in the last few months and I can't imagine literally LOSING one of her girl piggies if she got outside or if we never found her. How in the world would I tell her that???? Ugh. Can't think about it. I'm just glad she's back. What an irresponsible mother I am. I feel especially bad because it happened when I was annoyed with Faith. :( They usually get along fine and settle their own drama but I'm thinking about getting a second, small cage for times like this where one of them (usually Faith...she's a bugger) needs to be removed from the others.

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If it makes you feel better I had to call poison control:svengo:yesterday because my youngest sprayed a household cleaner in his MOUTH! It was in the kitchen sink and he pushed the kitchen chair up to the sink and got it before I could get to him. I had turned my back for two seconds to get the new puppy out of whatever mischief she was in and BAM he's got a mouthful of cleaner! Thankfully all is fine and the cleaners are safely tucked away and locked under the sink where they should be to begin with!

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:grouphug: I am glad you found that piggie! What a sweet momma you are!


And trust me, you are not the worst momma in the world. Several years ago our eldest ds had a pet hamster. We lived in a tiny home, under 800 sq. feet, and that hamster drove me nuts all. night. long. Every single night I had to listen to that darn wheel spinning in the cage and hear that hamster munching his food and scratching and gnawing and...ugh!


One night I just couldn't take it anymore, so I placed the hamster's cage out on the back porch, intending to bring it in first thing the next morning. When dh woke up for work I asked him to bring it in for me. He said okay. He forgot. I realized the error when ds went outside after lunch and came running in crying and screaming, "He's dead, Mom! T-Rex is dead!" Sure enough, that little guy had overheated and died out there on our back porch.

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Well, it's better than thinking the piggie needed fresh air, sticking it out in the sun and basically frying the poor animal to near-death, dying later in dd's arms. Yup, I did that. Great intentions and all!!!

To my defense then the piggie was probably old and on its last days, but lesson taught is that guinea pigs actually like shade like the rest of us!

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Oh wow I'm not the only one who has done something like this!! I feel 10,000 pounds lighter! :grouphug: When I was a kid my mom accidentally ran over our dog. :( She heard him howling and thought the car was still on top of him so she backed up...turned out the backing up ran over him a second time and that was the end of him. My poor mama...I still bring it up. lol! "But mom...I think you should come HERE for Thanksgiving. It's the least you can do after what you did to Dinkie Dog!" :lol:

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If it makes you feel better I had to call poison control:svengo:yesterday because my youngest sprayed a household cleaner in his MOUTH! It was in the kitchen sink and he pushed the kitchen chair up to the sink and got it before I could get to him. I had turned my back for two seconds to get the new puppy out of whatever mischief she was in and BAM he's got a mouthful of cleaner! Thankfully all is fine and the cleaners are safely tucked away and locked under the sink where they should be to begin with!


Once when ds was itty bitty, he OD'ed on vitamins. :001_huh: He's always been an early riser and he snuck out of bed and was happily munching on a little snack of chewable vitamins. :svengo:I called poison control and it turned out that we were ok because I had bought the kind with very little iron in them. Otherwise it could have turned out very differently. *shudder*

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I'm really sorry but I'm :lol: here at the stories!


(We can't have pets due to allergies. Just think of how much better a mother I am! ;))


Well that's no fun! What good is a mothering career without a fail blog worthy incident or two? LOL!

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I don't know which bad mother entry to choose from. Once I dropped my kindergartener off at school on the last day of school when there was no kindergarten. I didn't have a clue until I went to pick him up.


We started driving away from church without one of our kids once.

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Once when ds was itty bitty, he OD'ed on vitamins. :001_huh:


I snacked on vitamins as a kid, too. And I feed them to my younger brother and sister :D


I don't know which bad mother entry to choose from. Once I dropped my kindergartener off at school on the last day of school when there was no kindergarten. I didn't have a clue until I went to pick him up.


We started driving away from church without one of our kids once.


:lol::lol::smilielol5: My friend's mom left him at the store playing an arcade game (he was 2nd/4 kids at the time.) She didn't realize he wasn't there until 2 stores later.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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Well, I fried our poor turtle that we had forever. I cleaned his cage because it was dd's bday party, put him outside in a bucket and forgot about him. Put a stinking empty clean cage in dd's room and fried the poor little guy. I was SO upset with myself.

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Mr. Ellie earned the Bad Father of the Year once regarding piggies.


Dds and I were at Sea World. Mr. Ellie put our three piggies in the grass in the back yard, under the tree, with the wire part of their cage over them. Under the shade, under the tree. You know, the shade that moves as the sun moves. Mr. Ellie was inside doing who knows what and didn't even think about the piggies...and when he finally looked out, the poor piggies were in direct sunlight.


And yes, one was dead. One survived, but was badly sunburned on his back and we almost lost him, as well.


When we came back from Sea World, Mr. Ellie had to confess what he had done. :( :crying: Dd, who was 5ish, cried, and they talked about where to bury the poor little piggie...and through her tears, dd asked...if we could get another one...I guess she wasn't that crushed!

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You have to elaborate and tell the story if you plan on keeping the award. :lol:


Well, I could tell the funny story about tumble-drying the cat on accident (thankfully she survived).


Or honestly, I can just tell you that I've done far worse in my harshness with my kids in my early years of parenting, and no humor will ever erase the regret. Thankfully, I am a different person now. :D

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I snacked on vitamins as a kid, too. And I feed them to my younger brother and sister :D



:lol::lol::smilielol5: My friend's mom left him at the store playing an arcade game (he was 2nd/4 kids at the time.) She didn't realize he wasn't there until 2 stores later.


This makes me feel so much better since I only left mine at church. ;)


That reminds me, though. I forgot to mention the time my preschooler poured cayenne pepper into a glass of water and gave it to baby sister to drink. I'm pretty sure that was after the time he discovered brushing his teeth in the toilet was fun.

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Well, I could tell the funny story about tumble-drying the cat on accident (thankfully she survived).


Or honestly, I can just tell you that I've done far worse in my harshness with my kids in my early years of parenting, and no humor will ever erase the regret. Thankfully, I am a different person now. :D


Ah yes. BTDT with harshness. It's an ongoing battle. :)

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