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If you have embarked on teaching yourself rhetoric

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What resources have you found most useful? Did you get a highschool course and follow it?


I am thinking that getting one of the courses SWB suggests would be the best way to go. I have never studied rhetoric before. I didn't have any formal classes in it or logic in school. I want to learn.



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Start by reading the rhetoric section in WTM, then the applicable sections of The Trivium (Joseph). Then a good introduction is Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student (Corbett.)


If you haven't had logic, though, you will want to study that first. I give the same advice as above, except after Joseph's book, use the Memoria Press or Canon Press logic materials.

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Thank you, everyone.


I have read through the sections from WTM, but I will have to find The Trivium (Joseph).


I was wondering about needing to use materials on logic first, before moving into formal rhetoric study. I plan on using Memoria Press with my kids, so perhaps I will just get that early and go through it myself.:D


@1Togo ~ Where do I find materials that follow the progymnasmata? I seem to remember SWB speaking about that in WTM, and in her workshops on writing. I will go back and check in WTM, as well.


Again, thanks so much for your suggestions!

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