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Interval between neuro-psych/ed tests

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Hi, I have a "good problem":


I have been trying to get my insurer to pay for neuro-psych testing for my twins at Children's Hospital in DC and was not optimistic. So I lined up testing through our local school system to be completed next month.

Meanwhile, the insurer just came through and approved the testing at Children's scheduled for September. They will pay for all but the educational portion.


The school system has put a lot of time and prep into the screening process and test times with them are all set up. I hate to cancel and feel like I'd like to pursue testing at both places.


Does anyone know if there any problem with having the same tests administered so close in time to each other (within 2 mths). Does it invalidate the results of the second test?



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If your insurance is not paying for the educational portion it sounds like you are doing the right thing. The neuro psych should accept the testing from the school and then go beyond what the school does with other evaluations. I am assumming the school portion is free to you. The school will not give as many or as comprehensive evals as the neuro psych. The school will determine IQ and then the achievement of the child. THe neuropsych will look into the whys and make a diagnosis.

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They would compliment each other well and with the number of tests available your neuropsych should be able to avoid giving the same test, just be sure to share what the school is doing. It is recommended that at least 1 year pass between testing with the same test in order to obtain accurate results.

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