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Perrine's Sound and Sense

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The "Instructor's Manual" as it is titled is definitely not an easy turn-key answer book. There are no answers laid out in 1., 2., 3. form. For each poem there is a dialogue about the poem, which in some cases does answer some of the questions. I think it will be helpful, but it is not an answer key.


I am using the 7th edition. I needed to buy a "class set" for the co-op class I teach, and there seemed to be plenty on Amazon for $.01 or a bit more (plus $3.99 shipping:cool:)


I have one copy of the 5th edition. There is not much difference in the two. I think Sound and Sense is like Perrine's Literature - Structure, Sound, and Sense -- they have both been around forever. Perrine actually passed away in 1995, so revisions are by others who have taken up the task.





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do any of you have a schedule of sorts that you would recommend? up til now I've just been using it for poems and short stories to go along with the poet/author we've been studying, but it is full of so much good stuff (it was one of my favorite classes in college) that I think I want to make it a main part of our studies next year.


how are you using it? one section/week? I still have my syllabus from the class, I might have to dig that out.....

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I have just started Sound and Sense, but I have used Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense in past years, and have just assigned a chapter a week. Some weeks, if the other classwork is heavy, we skipped reading for a week. My experience with the Perrine books is that the chapters can be read sequentially OR in whatever order you want. Each chapter is very self-contained. So I would just launch in!


I think the Perrine books are very user-friendly. But they don't have the teacher hand-holding guides that I wish they did. ;)


Good luck!


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