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If you were trying to sell me on Biblioplan, what would you tell me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We haven't used it for high school level, only elementary.

I love the booklist! It's the best part! We could never come close to reading all the options listed, so you have plenty to choose from. And our library has enough of them that we wouldn't need to buy any unless we wanted to.

I like that I can teach all my kids from the same basic material.

I like that it pulls from so many different sources, so you're not subject to just one author's bias or bent.

It's very affordable-- and they now offer many extras if you want to do more than the reading.

We strayed away for a year, but I'm excited to return to it this upcoming school year. :001_smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest momk2000

We haven't started using it yet, but I have been in circles over History this year and we are back to BP. We will be using it for the first time with a 5th grader.

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I have an old copy of BP and used it for a little while. I'm thinking of going back to it, but worry it's not enough for high school. Has anyone used it for this level and been happy with it? TOG was too rigorous for my oldest and I really want something both girls can use to keep us doing somethings together.

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We start school Monday, and we'll be using it for the first time. I am going to be using the Companion and Advanced set. I'm tweaking it some, though. I'm going to have dd read the Glencoe World history textbook, and I'm adding BJU's world history textbook so that she can compare the secular and Christian world views. I'm going to have her read the entire Old Testament instead of parts of it. My dh is a world history teacher in school, so he'll be doing some things with her as well. I know we'll add in movies, projects, and some writing in addition to all the reading.

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I have an old copy of BP and used it for a little while. I'm thinking of going back to it, but worry it's not enough for high school. Has anyone used it for this level and been happy with it? TOG was too rigorous for my oldest and I really want something both girls can use to keep us doing somethings together.


I have not used it for high school, but have used it off and on for the lower years. I, too, have one right now who's not ready for what I would normally use for high school (http://www.thegreatbooks.com).


In the past, Biblioplan has helped keep me going at times when I haven't had the energy to plan. Often, it gets us going for the year until we find our groove, and then I veer off in my own WTM-inspired direction. Biblioplan is just enough and not too much for me.


Some things about it irritate me. For example, I can't get over the fact that they schedule SOTW out of order. I know why they do it, but it bugs me. Also, some of their writing assignment suggestions don't fit the developmental age they're intended for. They ignore the classical stages. (i.e. Grammar stage writing assignments sometimes seem more suitable for logic stage, etc.) And, their older editions didn't give me nearly enough guidance for high school, which is why I didn't use it for high school.


I had great intentions to get all kinds of planning done this summer, but life has been hectic with so many kids home from college, so I purchased the new Biblioplan Ancient lesson plans and maps the other day in order to be ready to get going as soon as our college kids go back to school. I did not get the rest of the program (the companion, etc.) because I did not end up using any of it last year. I downloaded the sample to look at all of it before I decided what to purchase.


Like I said, I have the old Biblioplan, but after downloading and perusing samples of the new lesson plans, one thing that delighted me was that, unlike the previous edition, high school suggestions are right there on the schedule, not in a separate pack. In addition, Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Literature, which is one of my favorite resources for high school literature, is scheduled into the new lesson plans. Other new high school recommendations looked great, too. I don't care for MOH, so I'm sure we'll be adding in other things, mostly recommendations from WTM which we already have on our shelves. And I'm sure we'll veer off in our own direction sometime around December, but I'm glad to have the lesson plans to get me off the starting block.



Edited by Luann in ID
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