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Any resource suggestions for theatre history/appreciation?

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We're wrapping up 3rd year, starting 4th year cycle history next year, and would like to incorporate the history of modern theatre (Broadway, etc.) and its cultural impact.


Any good resources to use as a basic guide (considering the fact I'm pretty clueless :))?




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Don't know of anything that quite fits what you are looking for, but here are two books that may provide some of the type of info you want.


The World of the Theater (a Scholastic Voyages in Discovery book) -- it's OOP, but this series has lots of photos, sidebars, fold-out pages, cutout pages, etc....


Theater: From First Rehearsal to Opening Night by John Malam -- mainly about how a theater works, but also has a few pages on the history of the theater, dating back to ancient Greece.


The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre by John Russell Brown -- haven't seen this one, but you can see a sample on the amazon link.

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