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CC Challenge Opt-out

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We are currently a part of a CC Community that recently added the Challenge A program. I was looking at the materials that will be covered during Challenge A and saw that the students will be using Latin's Not So Tough, which has gotten bad reviews. Additionally, my dc will be ready to begin Henle when CC is beginning LSNT and I am planning to have them begin Wheelock when CC would have them begin Henle.


I have read somewhere that students are allowed to opt-out of some of the Challenge classes and I was wondering how many classes are permitted to be opted out. When my dc is ready to begin Challenge A, she will also be on either a different level of Saxon or we may be using a different math curriculum altogether.


I understand that the goal is to have all of the students studying and discussing the same thing in order to obtain a cohesiveness with the group but, I definitely do not want to use the Latin program.


Also, does anyone know if the cost of tuition is decreased when you opt-out of some of the courses?


I am also considering enrolling my dc in the Veritas Press Scholars Academy for the upper grades and would like to cut costs as much as possible.


Thank you in advance for answering my inquiry.

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When we first looked into CC a couple of years ago, opting out was an option. Last year when one actually opened here, it was no longer an option. I think they changed things last year, but I'm not sure. That's just our experience. My understanding was that you could sit out if you didn't want to go to that particular session (like the math class), but you still had to pay for the whole thing.

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The LNST is really bad, but a good tutor can make the difference. I just taught Latin in class, assigning the LNST as homework and having students/parents check the answers, so that it didn't hinder us much.


If you have to do Latin, you could just have him do Henle at home and sit in on the Latin instruction in class (unless the tutor is just having the dc read through the answers to LNST each week during class time, which was what we were trained to do at our state training. :001_huh:)


So I would ask the Challenge tutor these question, both about cost and about how they plan to teach Latin. A campus can vary a bit from the corporate model of CC, I have learned, so you will want to ask on your specific campus.


Usually if there are multiple levels of Challenge on the same campus, they coordinate their math times, so that students can attend what level they need. Some campuses do the same for Latin, too. I would ask about that, too.

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