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Book Suggestions for Teaching a Gifted Child


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I posted this on the Accelerated Learner Board as well. I have been home schooling my gifted 9-year-old daughter for two years. I taught public middle school before having children. However, there was only one college course that covered the topic of "the special-needs child". Do any of you have any must-read suggestions? She is now at an 11th grade reading level and shows no signs of slowing down. ; ) Help!


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I like "Guiding the Gifted Child" by Webb, Meckstroth, and Tolan.


Another one that has helped me, not necessarily with academics...although it can be applied...but more with understanding behavior and things of that nature is "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. Love this book.


Hope this will help get you started!

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