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Anyone else shocked by character in Cars 2?

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Haven't seen the movie yet (is it even out yet?) but we bought my toddler Cars 2 fruit snacks to use in potty training, and I just read the side of the box today to figure out which color was which character (since he always wants to know)...


Did you know one of the characters names is Holley Shiftwell? Was that really necessary to encourage kids going around saying plays on swear words just cause it's funny? Or to make parents laugh? Makes kids think it's not so bad to "upgrade" to the real words. Not the end of the world, but still, there are so many more wholesome things for kids to joke about. Makes me want to not go see the movie despite my son being totally into Cars.


Am I being too sensitive?


What swear word is Holley Shiftwell a play on? I don't get it. :confused:


Holley is a carburetor manufacturer, and I assumed Shiftwell refers to shifting gears while driving.


ETA: Never mind. I should have read the other responses first. :-) I used to have a turbo charged Mustang, but I don't think I have any pictures of it. :-(

Edited by LizzyBee
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Haven't seen the movie yet (is it even out yet?) but we bought my toddler Cars 2 fruit snacks to use in potty training, and I just read the side of the box today to figure out which color was which character (since he always wants to know)...


Did you know one of the characters names is Holley Shiftwell? Was that really necessary to encourage kids going around saying plays on swear words just cause it's funny? Or to make parents laugh? Makes kids think it's not so bad to "upgrade" to the real words. Not the end of the world, but still, there are so many more wholesome things for kids to joke about. Makes me want to not go see the movie despite my son being totally into Cars.


Am I being too sensitive?

I get the vibe of over sexuality with the whole "shiftwell". Like she's sexy... I didn't think of the swear word, rather that she's hot. Haven't seen it but kids are dying to!

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I didn't take it as a play on a curse word. I took it as a play on the old Bond girl names.



:iagree:, and yes, it is "Holly" not "Holy" - the second would never have occurred to me as a pronunciation for "Holley", quite frankly. If there is any intended subtext, it went over the head of everyone in our house. We saw the movie yesterday, and it was lots of fun.

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We have not seen Cars2, however there is a play on a swear word in the first cars.


The other day my son saw something and exclaimed, "Holy Shhh....oots" and my mouth hung open because as he was in the process of saying it, it sounded like it was going to be .... #@#$ @#$#@!! I asked where did he hear that and he said it was from Cars and my husband confirmed that Mater says Holy Shoots in the movie. I am still unhappy about it.

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We have not seen Cars2, however there is a play on a swear word in the first cars.


The other day my son saw something and exclaimed, "Holy Shhh....oots" and my mouth hung open because as he was in the process of saying it, it sounded like it was going to be .... #@#$ @#$#@!! I asked where did he hear that and he said it was from Cars and my husband confirmed that Mater says Holy Shoots in the movie. I am still unhappy about it.


Also in the first one Lightning says something about the Piston Cup and Mater says something along the lines of, "You did what in your cup?" This one doesn't bother me as much because it's less likely that a child would copy it, but I really don't want my child exclaiming loudly, "HOLY Shhhhhoots" (from the first example). If you know what I mean.

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As the proud owner of a muscle car - 64 1/2 Mustang vert :D I can tell you HOLLEY is the brand name of a performance carburetor!! Vroom! Vroom! (8 barrel of course!)


I'm jealous!



Oh, and pics please!! A Mustang is even better than men in kilts. Really.






Here is my contribution.


Gorgeous car, adorable boy!


Here's our baby. This is our 4th Mustang, I think. DH sold his 66 Fastback to get enough money to buy this little coupe and get me a new minivan. We LOVE this car!




Okay, please pardon my nostalgia in posting my old Mustang. I was 17 when this was taken. :001_smile: I wish I had more pictures of that car.




Love this!

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Haven't seen the movie yet (is it even out yet?) but we bought my toddler Cars 2 fruit snacks to use in potty training, and I just read the side of the box today to figure out which color was which character (since he always wants to know)...


Did you know one of the characters names is Holley Shiftwell? Was that really necessary to encourage kids going around saying plays on swear words just cause it's funny? Or to make parents laugh? Makes kids think it's not so bad to "upgrade" to the real words. Not the end of the world, but still, there are so many more wholesome things for kids to joke about. Makes me want to not go see the movie despite my son being totally into Cars.


Am I being too sensitive?


I didn't read the comments but I would have taken it as Holly (as in Holley carburetors) and shift well is a part of the shifter (they actually make fancy covers for them!)

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McQueen also says "I'm in hillbilly hell!" in the first movie, and the twins "flash their headlights" at him, so fake cursing and innuendos are totally plausible, IMHO.


My girls love the first movie and we'll probably take them to see 2, but Shiftwell sounds vaguely sexual to me too...like how cars would say that she's good in bed? You know, she shifts really well...


I can't believe I just wrote that about a car...

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