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I did it! I wrote an entire website!

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A homeschool group liked my style of writing and asked me to create a website for them.




It isn't any grandly coded thing - just made on iWeb - but I am SO proud of myself! I've never done anything like this. What I'm most proud of is that I stuck with the project, even though most all of it was blechy data entry and I have the attention span of a gnat.


I wanted to announce it here because I got so many of the curriculum ideas from the WTM fora. I really hope that it will help people.


Now I want to learn how to make a *real* website!




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Yea Asta! I will say to be careful what you wish for. My dh has his job/career for which he earned a BA in 1979. Also, about 20 years ago he returned to college and has for the last 15 years enjoyed his at-home business of developing websites.....from conception, writing, developing, coding, maintaining...the whole shabang! ;)


It was grueling with all the loooooooong hours and nights he spent on the pc.


But, if that's your goal, go for it! I know you'll do it well, A.

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Thanks, guys!


The funniest part was, when writing in curriculum recommendations, I kept trying to think "what do NON wtm people use?"


By the time it was done, I looked at it and thought "well, I hope they want to be classical homeschoolers..."




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Were the curricula ideas yours, or did they provide them? Are you going to include Right Start math in the mathematics section (I think it's worth a mention), or the Peace Hill Press offerings in the Writing and Grammar section (I know you have a Peace Hill Press mention in the Comprehensive Curricula section)?

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It looks great!


I love my website software and my web host, they are both reasonably priced and helpful. The website software is cheap and requires no coding experience but is powerful. I use Freeway Express as software and Hosting Matters for my web host.


It only took me a few weeks to set up my new page, I now have a page at 40L.org as well as thephonicspage.org.

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Were the curricula ideas yours, or did they provide them? Are you going to include Right Start math in the mathematics section (I think it's worth a mention), or the Peace Hill Press offerings in the Writing and Grammar section (I know you have a Peace Hill Press mention in the Comprehensive Curricula section)?


It was up to me to gather a variety of curricula.


It's funny that you mention PHP for the writing section - it WAS in there, but the link did something wonky in the software and made the entire page a hotlink for Peace Hill Press. I tried and tried to fix it but finally got so frustrated, I just deleted it and left the one on the other page.


I honestly didn't know about Right Start. I'll put it in my book for when the first revision is done.




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It looks great!


I love my website software and my web host, they are both reasonably priced and helpful. The website software is cheap and requires no coding experience but is powerful. I use Freeway Express as software and Hosting Matters for my web host.


It only took me a few weeks to set up my new page, I now have a page at 40L.org as well as thephonicspage.org.


Thank you for this info!




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Thank you for this info!





You're welcome!


I actually like Freeway Express better than iWeb. It takes a bit of time to get used to it, but it is very powerful.


They both also have good support areas and when those fail, both answer e-mails, even stupid e-mails from clueless people. (I only send those when my husband is deployed. When he is home, he can figure out and fix any problems I cannot figure out on my own.)

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You're welcome!


I actually like Freeway Express better than iWeb. It takes a bit of time to get used to it, but it is very powerful.


They both also have good support areas and when those fail, both answer e-mails, even stupid e-mails from clueless people. (I only send those when my husband is deployed. When he is home, he can figure out and fix any problems I cannot figure out on my own.)


That would be good, because it will eventually need to be taken over by someone in the group (eg: not me fixing it), and it is a military community, so there is turn-over. I mean, the name is "Military Associated Stuttgart Homeschoolers", so moving kind of comes with the territory...




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It was up to me to gather a variety of curricula.


It's funny that you mention PHP for the writing section - it WAS in there, but the link did something wonky in the software and made the entire page a hotlink for Peace Hill Press. I tried and tried to fix it but finally got so frustrated, I just deleted it and left the one on the other page.


I honestly didn't know about Right Start. I'll put it in my book for when the first revision is done.





Great site - beautiful job!!!


I liked Wendy's find x in mathematics - nice touch! :)

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