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I am just starting homescholing with dd who is 12. we will start 8th grade in July.


I trying to decide on History for her. We will start with the ancients.

I also have a preschooler that may sit in.

I'm looking for input and or suggestions (also open to other suggestions)


Should i go with these or should I look at something more advanced from the high school stage?


story of the world

kingfisher history

streams of civilization



thanks for any input


Hewitt homeschooling has a nice breakdown of history for 7-12 grade. I think they use Beautiful feet. I loved the books. I am actually going to use Sonlight for my son next year. This year we started with alpha omega...and dropped that right away. Then we just used SOTW vol. 1. It was on the easy side for my 6th grader...but he remembered all the facts. He enjoyed it. I am doing Sonlight Core 4 (american) with him next year...not really following the wtm view. (I know)...but I see my son really retains the reading history rather then the textbook history.


If you go to twtm site ...they have the recommended books for grades as well.


But ...My suggestions...are TOG...you can use with all grades...Sonlight...Hewitts schedule...I think that is Beautiful feet...you can do ancients for 8th grade with bfbooks


BF sent me their schedule a few months ago:

7th Grade: Ancient History Intermediate

8th Grade: Medieval History Jr. High

9th Grade: Early American and World History

10th Grade: U.S. and World History, Parts I and II

11th Grade: U.S. and World History, Parts III and IV


Good luck,



I would start her in Spielvogel's Human Odyssey, and let her read SOTW on her own as a supplement. But that's just me. There's a workbook to go with HO, and it seems to be pretty good. I'd also plan on pulling in the literature that SWB recommends, but I'd only do a few of the real meaty books, and add in some historical fiction. So my list might be something like:





Hittite Warrior (by Joanne Williamson)

Cat of Bubastes (by GA Henty)

D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

Black Ships Before Troy and Wanderings of Odysseus (or you could do Black Ships and then the "real" Oddyssey, saving The Illiad for 12th grade)

The Orestia, Aeschylus

Greek and Roman Lives, Plutarch

Ben Hur, Lew Wallace



If she is rather advanced, I'd say go for it. If she needs more time before plunging in, you could start Ancients next year, and even use Omnibus, if it works for you. There's a lot of hand holding and it's really good for beginners. But if you've never done progymnasmata writing, you can just skip that part.

You could start with a course in World Geography, like Runkles, alone or with a supplement that teaches more cultural geography.


But, starting Ancients is fine in 8th. You can take two years, or just do another round of Ancients in 12th grade, or do Government then.


Lots of options for ya!

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