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Writing With Ease - do I need the Instructor text AND the workbook?

Jenn in Mo

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I've noticed with other companies that after I've purchased both texts, I discover that one would have been plenty since they both say the exact same thing. I haven't ordered through Peace Hill Press before, so I don't know if that is the case here. If you have used these, did you need both or would one or the other be fine for me? I have three different levels that I need to purchase and don't want to buy superfluous books.

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Nope. One or the other will suffice.


The text will tell you about the philosophy of why to do writing that way as well as how to pull it together on your own using whatever literature you want. If you want to combine all your kids this may be a better option for you.


OTOH, the workbooks are just open and go. :hurray: They vary in difficulty depending on which level you go with.

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Just the text will work. Although the workbooks are more open-and-go, I found that when I pulled together my own passages, it took a whopping 5 minutes to do so.



I noticed that the teacher's text had the material in it as well. Did you just do your own passages? I actually like that way better because then I can tie writing into whatever we are studying at the time.

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I noticed that the teacher's text had the material in it as well. Did you just do your own passages? I actually like that way better because then I can tie writing into whatever we are studying at the time.

Yep. The text gives the guidelines on what to choose, and I took those guidelines and found passages from our history/science/literature.

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The Strong Fundamentals book IMHO ought to be read, but you don't necessarily need to have your own copy of it. Check your local library to see if they have it available for you to borrow.


:iagree: or you can listen to the audio lecture on teaching writing in the elementary years. Either one will tell you WHY you're doing all this narration/copywork/dictation business. ;)

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