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Just for fun - What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?

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dd 12 wants to be an artist, illustrator, baker, cake decorator, bakery owner


dd 10 wants to be a paramedic as long as she doesn't have to drive the ambulance.


ds 8 is thinking about what he'd like to do to support his family some day. He's good at math. He doesn't have any definite plans just yet.


ds 5 doesn't know why he'd ever need a job. He's going to marry Mommy!


dd 4, "I'm hungry. Will big sister make me smiley cookies?

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She has wanted to be many things over the years - some realistic, some completely imaginary. Right now, however, she wants to be a lyricist, a director of plays, a writer, and a wildlife conservationist/spokesperson-educator (like Julie Scardina or Joan Embry). She has a schedule mapped out in her head as to how she can be all things. She also wants to be in the female version of the tour de France.

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Ds12 wants to be a paleonologist

Dd11 wants to be a rancher

Ds7 wants to be a fireman

Dd3 wants to be fire fighter as well, yesterday she was going to be a princess and about a week ago she was going to be a doggy, so I guess we will wait and see.

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zach is 8 so it's a new thing each week just about LOL....these are some of the ones he's talked about so far---DR....Astronaut.....airplane mechanic (like dad).....driving teacher (like MRS PUFF ON SB).....scientist....astronomy scientist.....worker at his fave chinese restraunt (not sure what exactly he just wants to work there) LOL....

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Sweet-pea wants to be an actor. I decided the same when I was her age and never changed my mind. It is still what I want to be although I also direct and costume design now (although not getting paid for it).


Boo-Boo doesn't know. It changes from paleontologist to herpetologist to plumber. She has many interests.

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From the younger dc (8 and below):


One says "I don't know." One says "I want to play guitar." One says, "I want to be a gymnast." One is too little to say anything.


From the older dc (12 and up):


The college one wants to be a writer and economist. One wants to be a supremely famous writer. And the other can't pick just one thing and so settled on "dog owner" - she's lobbying furiously for a dog since ours died nearly 2 years ago.

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DS (8) wants to be an inventor and a farmer. Lately he's been leaning towards military historian, though. He was thrilled when he found out there were careers in history.


DD (4.5) says she wants to be a baker, an archaeologist, and a babysitter.

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These are all so fun to read! It's neat to see how their answers change over the years.


ds10- author, illustrator and homeschooling mom.

ds8- meteorologist or storm chaser. (same kid who runs in my bedroom during a thunderstorm:tongue_smilie:)

ds5 wants to be a band. I think he means be in a band, but it's much cuter when he says he simply wants to be a band!


When ds8 was 5 he wanted to be a soldier and an acrobat. I always thought that would be a good combination!


ds1... our prediction is a stuntman based on his present behavior:001_smile:

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Some kind of doctor 90% of the time (the types have changed--lung transplant surgeon, gastroenterologist, brain surgeon, abdominal surgeon), but also perhaps a scientist who works with microscopes, chef, and a life guard. This is for The Sponge. The others haven't voiced aspirations yet. (I just asked The Drama and she said "nothing--I don't want to grow." :glare:)

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dd13 wants to be a Lawyer

ds11 wants to be an Astronaunt

dd9 wants to be a Nurse and Dance Instructer

dd6 wants to be a "Animal Princess" so maybe a Vet?

dd4 wants to be a "Princess Doctor" :D

ds3 & ds2 want to be Pirates :lol:, they absoultly love pirates thats they theme of their room!


Isn't it funny what they come up with when theyre little :lol:


The big one for us has always been Princess for the 3 girls right in the middle dd9 is just growing out of it, and the little boys love pirates :D

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dd13 wants to be a Lawyer

ds11 wants to be an Astronaunt

dd9 wants to be a Nurse and Dance Instructer

dd6 wants to be a "Animal Princess" so maybe a Vet?

dd4 wants to be a "Princess Doctor" :D

ds3 & ds2 want to be Pirates :lol:, they absoultly love pirates thats they theme of their room!


Isn't it funny what they come up with when theyre little :lol:


The big one for us has always been Princess for the 3 girls right in the middle dd9 is just growing out of it, and the little boys love pirates :D


When she was wee, dd wanted to be a dragon fairy :D. Doctor is more practical but I liked that one.

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Ds 15 - wants to be a physicist. He's wanted to be a physicist since 1st grade. He also toys with being a Priest.


Ds 10 - has a running list of everything he wants to do. He wants to try each one for a few months each. Some of the careers on his list include bridge engineer, fireman, teacher, bus boy, cook, policeman, construction worker.


dd 4 - wants to be a grocer, mommy or nun.


It will be interesting to see what path they do follow.


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My DD asked me how she could grow more arms to do all the things she wants to do! So far she wants to be a doctor, chef, violinist, artist, farmer and "just a mum"


DS3.5 has only ever had one answer to that question: "a knight to fight sin"

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ds14 has wanted to be a Marine since he was 4. He is particularly interested in intelligence. After retirement from active duty he wants to be a military historian and writer.


dd13 wants to be a mom full-time and be a part-time artist.


dd11 wants to be a professional horse-back rider. But since that is not economically feasible, she wants to own a small ranch and board/teach lessons and "have a really understanding husband" (direct quote)


ds8 wants to be a Marine. (Actually he just wants to be his older brother :-)


ds4 always tells me he wants to be a daddy when he "grows up big."

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Ds15 wants to go to the Naval Academy and be an engineer or veterinarian.


Ds13 has no idea but something with his hands and/or his guitar.


Dd8 (Ha! the last day I can say that) wants to be a violin/fiddle playing author.

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Ds12 wants to either be a paleontologist or an aerospace engineer/designer. He used to want to be a fighter pilot, but he recently discovered that he's developing his father's eyesight. (Thank You God!)


Dd9 wants to be a violist. She used to want to be a veterinarian as well. Unfortunately, she's lost a few pets and livestock this year -- enough to help her decide that she's no longer very interested in animals.


Ds5 wants to be a motorcycle-riding police officer AND a librarian. :lol: He's a cutie.

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DS8 wants to be a "train engineer" (driver) and a "train engineer" (designer). He's never wavered on this. He's also talked about his future wife since he was quite little, and even designed a Mii for her.


DD6 is consistent only in that she wants to be some type of dancer (usually ballerina) and some type of scientist (usually vet, but sometimes "one that studies pancreas" so she can cure Daddy's diabetes.) (My MIL gave up a career as a ballerina to get a degree in Microbiology, so maybe it's in her genes?)


DD1.5 just wants desperately to be 6 or 8, so that she can play with the big kids.

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DD14 hopes to become a professional violinist, but she's also very interested in literature and linguistics.

DD13 wants to be an eccentric artist and author (I'm told the "eccentric" part is very important)

DS9 wants to be an engineer like Daddy

DD7 wants to be an Egyptian pharaoh like Hatshepsut :lol: or a ballerina

DS6 wants to be a priest

DS2 is too young to say

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dd9 wants to work at the aquarium

dd11 wants to work at the aquarium

ds14 wants to be a pilot

dd16 wants to be a novelist

ds19 wants to work in ocean conservation and help to eliminate the mass slaughter of marine life, the polluting of the oceans and wake the rest of the world up to the governments turning a blind eye to illegal fishing practices.

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