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Looking for some information or help

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Could somebody PLEASE tell me where Notme lives. AND WHO are his parents? I am pretty fed up with his activities and shenanigans around here this week.:glare:


Does anybody know if he is related to Idunno, Murphy's Law, Chaos, and Pandora's box?


I would really love to get my bathroom trash can back that he took 4 months ago.


He has also taken possession of numerous unmatched socks, a remote control, pens, pencils, books, schoolwork, picked garden flowers, missing garden tomatoes, toothbrushes, a shoe, pillows, a letter opener, pictures, thread, scissors, gloves, hats, soda cans, gum, mints, cereal from the empty cereal boxes left behind, missing milk from the empty milk container he placed back into the refrigerator, and ice cream from the empty ice cream container he left in the freezer. I can also guarantee you that his fingerprints will match perfectly with the fingerprints found in the cool whip container, peanut butter, butter, missing icing patches on the birthday cakes, AND the unbaked cookie dough!:glare:


It would be greatly appreciated if anybody has any information pertaining to him and the wherabouts of these items.


Thank you for your time,


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LOL...Notme's tracks have been sighted around here as well. (We know him as "Nobody.") It's gotten to the point where dc will all laugh and say, "Guess it was Mr. Nobody!" Hmmm...somehow that answer isn't good enough for their mother.


Sorry...He hasn't brought your trash can over here. He must have a collection of those as well as single shoes and the other things you mentioned.

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He lives on Mars, Shenan. He beams himself here invisibly, sneaks around and accomplishes his missions and them beams back before anyone sees.


All of the items you listed as missing are on Mars as well. Sorry.


He shows up here everyone once in awhile, too, so don't feel too bad - you are not alone.


I think he is mixed up with the economic stimulus plan. He figures if we don't have the things we are looking for, we'll go out and buy more.


It must be a goverment conspiracy.;)

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Does anybody know if he is related to Idunno, Murphy's Law, Chaos, and Pandora's box?


Well, my dad would say that Notme is a close relation to Wasgonna (as in, "I wasgonna do it!!!"). Notme never visited our house when I was a kid--I was an only child :glare:--but I'm certain he'll (she'll?) be making an appearance here any day now.



I think he is mixed up with the economic stimulus plan. He figures if we don't have the things we are looking for, we'll go out and buy more.


It must be a goverment conspiracy.;)



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Well, please take this in the spirit in which it is offered but...*hanging head in shame* that cookie dough thing was not him. I'm very sorry and I'll try not to do it again. But could you put in a few more nuts next time? ;)

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