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Is it possible to block a single thread?

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I remember this being discussed before but can't find the thread on it. The answer appeared to be no. You can't block a thread from showing. Even if you put the OP on ignore, the thread title will show in the list, you just won't be able to read the post.




I don't know all the ins and outs of this board, though. You might get a more definitive answer by pming a mod and enquiring.

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Just curious. Once in a while, there's a thread that I don't want to see the title of and it's true at the moment.


Lemme guess....the SNAKE thread! :tongue_smilie:


astrid (I dont' know of a way either---- just feelin' your pain!)

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No there isn't.


When threads like that come around I just pick to take a board break for a few days. I find almost all threads die after a week. But when on my break I find it odd to keep reminding myself not to visit the board, which reminds me why, which reminds me of said thread... so sadly as far as I can see no matter what you do you are up the creek without a paddle.

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For me it is the Andrea Yates thread. :(


I was betting that one was it. I usually don't like such threads and disappear when they come around. But I found this one okay for me, and (again for me) good to read.


If experience says anything then that thread should soon die now that this one is started. I'm pretty sure I was the last person to start a thread trying to find a way to block a thread. Said thread died shortly afterwards.

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I'm pretty sure I was the last person to start a thread trying to find a way to block a thread. Said thread died shortly afterwards.


It WAS you, Julie! You know at the bottom where the board suggest similar threads? Yours on blocking a thread was th top suggestion!

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It WAS you, Julie! You know at the bottom where the board suggest similar threads? Yours on blocking a thread was th top suggestion!


Oh my, now I feel famous.


I felt badly about that thread since I think my reaction to it hurt? (that's not the right word - but I suppose it will have to do) the feelings of the OP of that thread. The OP even went to get the thread deleted. I felt bad about that since I thought the OP thread had a right to exist. I just didn't like it.

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No there isn't.


When threads like that come around I just pick to take a board break for a few days. I find almost all threads die after a week. But when on my break I find it odd to keep reminding myself not to visit the board, which reminds me why, which reminds me of said thread... so sadly as far as I can see no matter what you do you are up the creek without a paddle.


That's what I'm going to do - I'm going to take a break for a few days, but I KWYM. I keep thinking I'm going to see it again and then I'm thinking about it and I don't want to think about it.


Oh my, now I feel famous.


I felt badly about that thread since I think my reaction to it hurt? (that's not the right word - but I suppose it will have to do) the feelings of the OP of that thread. The OP even went to get the thread deleted. I felt bad about that since I thought the OP thread had a right to exist. I just didn't like it.


I understand - that's how I feel, too. I feel like the thread has a right to exist; the poster has every right to talk about that topic. I'm the one with the issue. It pollutes my brain just to see the words and I don't want to dwell on it. So, I think I'll clean my bathrooms and organize my new curriculum for a few days, which is what I need to do anyway. :tongue_smilie:

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There was a crime that was committed locally, and "brain-polluted" was exactly how I felt. It was just something that I couldn't get out of my head. We all need a break sometimes - I think taking a few days off is a good idea. :grouphug:

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