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NCHE - Who is going?

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I was going (paid and all!!) up until a few days ago when we decided to make a last minute trip out of town. Hope you have a fun time!! I'll be missing it, but DH is making up to me by letting me go to the ILCHC in Joliet. I'm looking forward to that one!! I'll also be at the IHM Conference in D.C. in June!! Yay!:D

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I was going (paid and all!!) up until a few days ago when we decided to make a last minute trip out of town. Hope you have a fun time!! I'll be missing it, but DH is making up to me by letting me go to the ILCHC in Joliet. I'm looking forward to that one!! I'll also be at the IHM Conference in D.C. in June!! Yay!:D


Have fun! I guess two conferences are better than one, anyway. Safe travels.


I don't need any Usborne stuff, but I'll try and stop by.


Heck, I am there to chat! Well, Tracy and Amy want me there to sell, but I end up chatting a lot. :D So no hard selling from me.


Hee, hee. I was just preparing to make the same post! ;-D See you in Winston-Salem, Brigitte!


I can't wait to get into the book fair myself. I am glad to be making it for at least one day, even though it is 3 hours from here. We'll have to see if you can figure out who I am, since I have no Avatar to tip you all off.


Drive carefully one and all.

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Have fun! I guess two conferences are better than one, anyway. Safe travels.




Heck, I am there to chat! Well, Tracy and Amy want me there to sell, but I end up chatting a lot. :D So no hard selling from me.




I can't wait to get into the book fair myself. I am glad to be making it for at least one day, even though it is 3 hours from here. We'll have to see if you can figure out who I am, since I have no Avatar to tip you all off.


Drive carefully one and all.


Waaaahhh! I wanna go. Sob. *snurf* *handkerchief noises* *grump*

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Is it always over Memorial Weekend?


From my local homeschool Yahoo group:


The conference is always the last full weekend in May.


There is a whole process for scheduling.

Homeschool conferences happen every weekend! The chore of the conference

committee is to schedule a consistent weekend years in advance. We (NCHE)

schedule 5 years out. Vendors also schedule their weekends a long time out.


The thing we can't control is when the convention center is available!


Sharon (the above responder) has been on the committee that plans the conference, so I trust that she knows what she is talking about. I guess it may not always be Memorial Day weekend, but is Memorial Day always the last Monday? Maybe if the last day of May was a Sunday?

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Brigitte, go to the BiblioPlan booth and introduce yourself. Rusty and Kristin will both be there. They are from C-ville. This is the product for which I designed the mapwork for Years 1 and 2. I wish I was there! Hope you sell BUNCHES!


:) Cindy


I will definitely stop by and say hi. It seems to me there was someone else from Cville there last year (a handwriting program set to music maybe???). We Charlottesvillians do get around, don't we. :001_smile:

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I don't know about HEAV. Is that the Va. equivalent of NCHE? I suspect another group handles the Usborne booth there.


I guess I should check it out regardless, since I will be home schooling in Va. soon.


Adding one more thing on my long list of to-do's....

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Thanks Cheryl. I will make a note in my planner....Sheryl <><



From my local homeschool Yahoo group:




Sharon (the above responder) has been on the committee that plans the conference, so I trust that she knows what she is talking about. I guess it may not always be Memorial Day weekend, but is Memorial Day always the last Monday? Maybe if the last day of May was a Sunday?

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I've never attended and will not be able to this next weekend, but I would like to go....maybe next year.


Is it always over Memorial Weekend?


I don't know about *always* but I do know that this is my 9th year attending and in all of those nine years it has been Memorial Day weekend. ;-)

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This will be the first year I won't be attending. I have been 9 years in a row. We used to live close to Winston but now are further away. Since I'm expecting a baby in a couple months I want to stay close to home. Maybe I can go next year.



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Is it all very overwhelming? Any tips for a first timer?


Yes. :) I offer the same tip to first timers that someone gave me when I was heading into Mary Jo's (fabric shop near Charlotte, NC). Walk into the book fair for the first time with the sole intent of *walking through*. Do not stop. Do not pass go. Go straight to the other end (merely taking in the sights so to speak along the way). :D


The benefit in doing so is that by the time you get to the other end you have at least a feel for everything that is in there and you have some idea of what things you want to go back in for a closer look on. That way, you can be quasi intentional upon your second entry. Past that, I make lots of notes on things I know I want to check out and proceed to do so.


Finally, after I feel I've accomplished my immediate goals and checked out all the things I know I needed to, I use my *final* trek through just for fun, looking at some free reading materials, gifts for my girls, etc, etc.


HTH. Hope you have fun. I know I will. :D


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I'm coming with a couple of my friends...but just on Friday for the book sale--no workshops or sessions. It's my first year to go, and I'm excited. Is it all very overwhelming? Any tips for a first timer?


Make a good detailed list of what you need. It can be overwhelming in there and easy to forget what you came for and be distracted by all the great stuff. Also, when you walk through the first time, make notes of what you find and where, but don't buy on your first pass through.


Have fun, above all else.

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Yes. :) I offer the same tip to first timers that someone gave me when I was heading into Mary Jo's (fabric shop near Charlotte, NC). Walk into the book fair for the first time with the sole intent of *walking through*. Do not stop. Do not pass go. Go straight to the other end (merely taking in the sights so to speak along the way). :D


Mary Jo's is great!

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