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(need recommendations) So, if you do "personal development" sessions with yourself,

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what do you do?


Listen to podcasts - which ones?


Take training courses - which ones? (Right now I'm working through Adam Andrews' DVD course Teaching the Classics - LOVE it! )


I used to teach in a classroom, and loved the IDEA of teacher development days, but - practically speaking, they were often wasted days.


So now I'm planning a few times this year for a one-day "getaway" type day for myself (very local, very inexpensive, taking myself out to lunch, etc.) - and I don't want to waste any of my time! :)


What would YOU do to develop your teacher-self in a one-day self-designed teacher-workshop day?


(kids are 7, 7, 5, and 1.5, if that affects your answer)

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With kids your kids' ages? I think I would watch a movie, have a nap, do some shopping and enjoy a cafe alone or catch up with a girlfriend :)


Most of the things I did as teacher development were more long term, such as reading classics or studying grammar or Latin- they weren't things I could accomplish much of in one day. They needed more regular daily application.


I guess you could take some of the texts you are going to use and spend the time reading ahead in them to see what is coming up.

Or read something you haven't had time to read.

I would make sure its enjoyable though.

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