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I am so hyper on 40 mg of Prednisone

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I have bronchitis and a partially collapsed lung so I am on 40mg of Prednisone. I am hardly sleeping (most nights about4.5- 5 hours, one night maybe 6) and I have more energy than I have ever had since I got RA and Sjogren;s. I am naturally ADHD (though more on the mild side) but today especially since I need to be using the albuterol inhaler every four hours since my breathing isn;t very good, I am almost jumping out of my skin energetic. I have been up since 3:30 am and am still going strong. Dh wants me to watch a sci fi movie and normally I would but now I am just wanting to hear very fast rhythmic music. I know I am not turning psychotic since I can tell I have a lot of energy but I guess maybe I am having a mild case of hypomania. If it wasnt for the very bad side effects of prednisone, I could really get used to this. It is so wonderful to be back to my actual more normal amount of energy that I last had over 18 years ago. No, I did sleep more than but when I was awake, I was probably just a bit less energetic. I am carefully monitoring myself and making sure I don;t do risky behavior, wild spending, and fortunately, rather than being irritated, I am rather happy. I guess that is much better than beingdepressed on how I am now probably going tobe plagued with collapsing lungs over and over again or how if this stupid bronchitis doesnt start getting resolved really soon, I may get diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, one of theCOPD diseases, which is a really bad diagnosis. I am not even 50 amd I dont smoke and never have nor have I lived with anyone who does. I was just about to start a new chapter of my life- moving to a place I really like, to a great house, transitioning to become a mostly volunteer person versus homeschooling mom ( I am done in four years and am really looking forward to being a master gardener, tutor, CASA volunteer, museum volunteer, library volunteer, animal volunteer, etc), having my children in the right places-college for one, new adulthood starting for another, and high school for the third, looking forward to the time when my dh and I can travel unencumbered with childrens stupid food preferences, sleep requirements, dislikes and annoyances. I know we aren;t guaranteed anything but I just really need some better kuck with my health. I am starting my third summer here and I have been hospitalized with new conditions bothof the previous two summers, and now I really don;t want to add a third new problem. I have so many chronic illnesses already. I already took such a hit on my life from all these problems-giving up sports, thinness, energy, looks, etc. I can tell my breathing isn;t good and dh just believes that positive thinking makes it better, but it really doesnt. Bad air pollution makes me sick no matter how happy I am and bacteria dont seem to care either. I am a military wife and cant lower the stress of moving, having akid go to college, another one move out, starting a new school year for the third who needs a completly different method and courses than the first two did, and then being sick.

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That was quite the wall of text! So unlike you! :D


:grouphug: Truly, I understand. My ds has been on prednisone twice since we've been back here. He was *so* much better in Hawaii. Prednisone makes him super cranky. :glare: My son has a form of COPD. It *is* better once you get diagnosed and you can do advair or another COPD med. Those types of meds honestly helped to stabilize him. Have you tried Flonase or Nasonex? It's one of the things that helped my ds the most. He's off it now, but he might have to go back on, we'll see what the new pulmnologist says.

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I can see the hyper, LOL!


I had to take that much years ago, and I was the Energizer Bunny. We went to Disney World in the middle of it, I loved it. Stayed up late, first up and showered, literally made it on half the sleep I usually need. I got my whole house cleaned, did laundry in the middle of the night, everything cleaned out.


And..... that was the last time I was so caught up!

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Can you talk to your doc about the effects?


I was on Prednisone years ago due to a bad reaction to poison ivy (entire body with secondary rash, swelling throughout my face and neck and otherwise just plain miserable). Anyway, I spoke to my doc, after having 2 nights of no sleeping and otherwise being very hyper and he suggested that we back down the dosage but take it for a longer period of time. That did the trick. I definitely needed the Prednisone for the longer period of time as some of the symptoms still weren't gone then.


Anyway the next time I needed Prednisone due to another poison ivy reaction I asked for the smaller dose.


I have no idea if this is even a possibility but it can't hurt to ask.

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Mrs Mungo, I am and have been on Advair for regular asthma for the last 6 years or so. About 14 years ago, I was misdiagnosed with interstitial lung disease. I was living in Sacramento and the rice burning was causing me lots of problems. The pulmonologist took xrays and decided I had restrictive lung disease, specifically the above. I was put on asthma meds and monitored. My lung capacity was 65% in CA but then I moved to Albuquerque and my breathing became so much better. (higher altitude, air is lighter), then when I went to Belgium, where there is more air pollution, I was having problems again. My doctor sent me to a pulmonologist and he did an xray and didnt see the interstitial problem. So he sent me for a CAT scan, My lungs were fine except for asthma. The Belgian doctors told me that in the USA we use to low radiation xrays and sometimes shadows appear that are fake. They use more radiation in Belgium and the pictures are clearer, The CAT scan was the proof I never had the interstitial lung disease since that does not get better, It can stop gettting worse, but not better. However, since I was having asthma problems, they put me on Advair and I have been on it ever since. I was on another corticosteroid then anyway because of the arthritis. I was off of corticosteroids for almost 2 years but I have never been on this high a dose except for one or two days years ago when I had pneumonia. That was a quick 40 i day or 2, thn 20, then 10 then 5 then stop. Otherwise for arthritis, I was just on low doses (eq 5) or less for years. Basically for about 5 years. Well I guess I should try to sleep. I have to battle beltway rush hour traffic tomorrow morning to get my recent graduate to Naval Medical Center to get her TB test checked and then get back and go to my appointment for 11 am and then have swim meet in the late afternoon. Plus I have to talk to the movers tomorrow and get the dates confirmed and tell them how much stuff we have- like tons of books and also lots of scientific equiptment (including lots of chemistry glassware) and lots of woodworking tools and machines. Thanks for talking to me since it can be kind of depressing too.

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Yes, I know. I am on it now but winding down. I broke my foot and still did kickboxing and running. Prednisone is some wicked stuff. Now I am going to take my other allergy meds, progesterone, and brush my teeth and hopefully fall asleep.


I hope you feel better. I couldn't read your full post because it looked like this to me ---->:willy_nilly:



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Are you on straight up Prednisone, prednisolone or methylprednisolone?


Prednisone is well documented for inducing mania. (which it sounds like, looks like you are experiencing)


It stops when the drug is weaned.


The other two... not so much, though they will in susceptible individuals.





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I just got off a short dose of 20 mg of Pred. (straight pred)

WOW! I have never had the manic, hyper side effects before but I was floored by them. I slept 1 hour(only 1 hour total) during my 5 day course. I thought I could have taken on the world but boy did I crash about 24 hours after my last dose. I was crying in severe pain and agony. My sun rash came right back full strength and it seemed to actually cause a flare up of my RA and osteoarthritis.


I feel for you!

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I wouldn't worry too much about your symptoms as they are common with Prednisone. My daughter has a kidney disease and was on it. She was absolutely miserable with the mania, but it went away as she weaned from it. It's just how it is.


We were told about her possibly being short with people and everything; but she chose, similar to you, to be mindful of her behavior and did fine. She did NOT get any schoolwork done and DID eat too much (and has paid the consequence since). If I ever went on that stuff, I'd probably go Eat to Live though more likely Low Fat Vegan just so I could eat without worrying too much.

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Watch your carb/sugar intake. Prednisone will make you crave carbs/sugar which is why diabetes is a side-effect with long term use. Also the carbs/sugar will add to the manic-ness.


I didn't and still don't get manic when I take prednisone. Oh, but the cravings are hideous.

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