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I tihnk it depends on....if you are immediately trying for a new baby....and how easily you can come by baby clothes. Where i live, 2nd hand baby clothes are not hard to come by, and are inexpenseive, so I would be letting them go apart from a few selected pieces my mother and grandmother knitted, for example.

But I am not much of a hoarder.

Maybe you need to let go of the old (baby clothes) to let a new (baby) into your life? Because Murphy's Law will have it that you will get pregnant as soon as you let go of the old clothes :)

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I tihnk it depends on....if you are immediately trying for a new baby....and how easily you can come by baby clothes. Where i live, 2nd hand baby clothes are not hard to come by, and are inexpenseive, so I would be letting them go apart from a few selected pieces my mother and grandmother knitted, for example.

But I am not much of a hoarder.

Maybe you need to let go of the old (baby clothes) to let a new (baby) into your life? Because Murphy's Law will have it that you will get pregnant as soon as you let go of the old clothes :)


:iagree:This is exactly what I was going to say. Save the really nice things, give the rest away. And, no doubt, as soon as you give it all away, you'll find yourself pregnant again. It worked that way for me anyway.:D

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Go to thredup.com and build/list some boxes, if they are gently used with no stains, tears, etc. Once someone else picks your box, you can pick a box that has been listed (lots to choose from, and they usually have pictures of what is in the box -- even if there are no pictures, there is always a description). You pay $15 or $16 when you choose a box to be shipped to you, and then you have clothes that fit your kid instead of outgrown ones. I just started using them maybe a month ago, but am loving it. We have gotten some really nice boxes.

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your child's outgrown clothes? I have all my DS5 clothes back to infancy, crib, toys, etc. At first, I was saving them for another DC, but 5 years later, am I hanging on to them too long? Hoarding is hereditary, lol, so just wondering if I should rehome things or hang on to them longer. :bigear:


After 4 years I'm asking the same question as you. I'm giving them away as fast as I can. If another DC comes along, so be it. I'm tired of them taking up space!

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After I had my first two ds, I held onto their clothes because we wanted more dc. Then we moved overseas. I got rid of everything except a few special things. After we got here, we had two more dc, a boy and a girl, and I kept all their clothes for years. Four miscarriages and 6 years later were moving again, not far, but I realized how many boxes of clothes we had accumulated in the storage area. I gave most of them away to a thrift store, but I just couldn't bring myself to bring all the baby clothes there. I had a friend who had been trying to get pregnant, so I gave her two big boxes of baby clothes and told her that she could keep it or give it away. She hasn't been able to have a baby, and I'm not sure what's happened to the clothes. I'm fine with it if she brought them all to a thrift store. I just couldn't do it myself. Weird, huh?


I think if you're trying to have another child, then you should hold onto them, but if you're not trying right now, it's a great idea to consign them. I wish we had a consignment shop near us. I would have made a fortune!

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We bought our first house while I was pregnant. We thought we would have lots of kids, so we bought a big, 4 bedroom house. I saved my daughter's clothes for a long time, thinking we might have more kids at some point. My health has been declining, so having another baby is not going to happen. I realized that a few years ago, and sold or gave away all of the baby and toddler clothes, the strollers, bouncers, gates, toys, etc. I saved two favorite dresses and a onesie that has a picture of a computer with a cute phrase. (my husband is a computer geek and I bought that onesie for her to wear around him.)


My daughter is 9 now. Every season I clear out her drawers and closets and give all the clothes to her best friend, who is about a head shorter than her. It works out well because they are struggling financially. My friend (the mom) would never accept any kind of monetary help, so I am glad we are able to help out in some way. It is a bit odd when I go over there and see the little girl in my daughter's clothes; kind of confuses my brain for a second. The girl absolutely loves to get my daughter's clothes and she makes a point of saying, "look, I am wearing your old dress today!" I just think that is so cute. Both girls are only children and they are like sisters. Maybe when they are older the girls won't think so positively about the hand-me-downs. I have taught my daughter to not comment that the friend is rearing her old clothes, so as not to make her feel badly. I told her that if the friend says something, then to just say something like " it looks nice on you, too!"

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I tihnk it depends on....if you are immediately trying for a new baby....and how easily you can come by baby clothes. Where i live, 2nd hand baby clothes are not hard to come by, and are inexpenseive, so I would be letting them go apart from a few selected pieces my mother and grandmother knitted, for example.

But I am not much of a hoarder.

Maybe you need to let go of the old (baby clothes) to let a new (baby) into your life? Because Murphy's Law will have it that you will get pregnant as soon as you let go of the old clothes :)

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After the last of the four kids here, I have kept from each kid my absolute fav. baby outfit (I have mental images of each baby/toddler in them, too) - maybe someday grandbabies will wear them! This all fits in one box. Now, in the basement I have more - duplos, legos, Playmobile, good books - I plan on being the FUN grandma!

We also have one dismantled crib, although by now I am sure it is "unsafe" and grandbabies will not use it. It was kept as insurance that we would not need it ourselves ;-) - a neighbor got rid of their crib when their dd was about 12. Then next year - surprise! DD #2 showed up! We all joked that it was because they unloaded all the baby stuff! ;)


After the annoyance of garage sales I donate whatever a smaller neighbor kid can't use (we are all big on passing clothes around here) as my kids outgrow stuff.

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I don't keep any of dc's clothes, except for a traditional Korean outfit that dd's foster mother in Korea had made for her and sent to us(my dc are adopted from Korea). However, I let dd wear that outfit for dress up for many years and it is still in great shape. All other clothes, I love to de-clutter and get rid of.

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With my first 2, a kept a lot and traded the rest for bigger things at a resale/consignment shop. You can store credit of half the sale value which you can then use to purchase the bigger stuff that you need.


Now with my last, I'm keeping those thngs I really love (handknit sweaters, handmade shirts) and passing on clothes to other friends with smaller children. My last 3 children have recieved a bounty of like-new hand-me-downs. It has been a tremendous blessing to our family. I'm looking forward to blessing another family in the same way.


If we are surprised with a 5th, I know that the generosity that we have seen will continue. It makes it much easier to let things go than it was when I just had my first and he was the oldest/largest child we knew.

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your child's outgrown clothes? I have all my DS5 clothes back to infancy, crib, toys, etc. At first, I was saving them for another DC, but 5 years later, am I hanging on to them too long? Hoarding is hereditary, lol, so just wondering if I should rehome things or hang on to them longer. :bigear:


If you think you might have another baby, I can see holding on to the bigger, more expensive items to replace, like a crib.

Everything else I would give/sell away. Here's why. I used to hold on to things too. But, I found that when it came time to use my oldest dd's clothes for the youngest dd, I didn't like the clothes so much any more. Many had gone out of style. I also found that my tastes had changed. I also enjoyed the shopping for my youngest dd and found I still wanted to do that. New is fun!

I shop at consignment sales, so replacing the clothes when it is time is not overwhelming.

I think you will enjoy getting newer clothes and toys when the time comes. I also think there is a cost to holding on that we don't always consider. The stress that extra stuff makes to organize, find storage for, etc, may not be worth the payout later.

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I used to give them away or drop them off at goodwill.


now we have awesome semi-annual consignment sale here in NJ.




it is owned/operated by two local moms. and I think it is wonderful. it is not for everyone. it does take some time to get items ready and stored until the next sale.


I price my items, tag them and drop them off. each item is inspected and then I hang them up or place them in the correct area. see the wesite for photos from the most recent sale.


I had 200 items in the last sale and made over $700. I had a few high priced out-door toys, but most of my clothes were $2 or $3.


I have also shopped there and found really good bargains.


so whil you may not have a consgnment store, you may have one of these semi-annual sales.


robin in NJ

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I consign most of it, and donate out what I can't cosign.


I used to give dd12's clothes to a neighbor, but as the girls got older their shapes have changed in different areas so that doesn't work anymore.


I have given some of the nicer, classic things to a friend who has a daughter a few years younger than mine.


I have friends who Craigslist box 'lots' of clothes by size and have been successful.


If you know any foster parents, they may take them too. Often, kids arrive in the middle of the night and have nothing but the clothes on their back. Foster parents who do the first intake of a child, will often take ANY clothes, even if it isn't the size/gender of kids they currently have.



Toys... I consign.

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No more kiddos for us, so I give them to the family down the street who have boys younger than ours.


I used to take them to our house church meeting for everyone to go through.


Once, I gave them away on this forum with the recipient paying for shipping.


I give away clothes once a season (fall and then spring).

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I go through them more than once, a year or more apart, and just get rid of whatever I can part with at the time. This time, though, I forced myself to really purge when Alabama was devastated by all the tornados. I knew I couldn't keep all these clothes sitting in my closet when other people needed them far more. I still kept plenty of snuggly little outfits that I can hold and remember those sweet tiny people!:)

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I usually take them to the Goodwill. The exception is any sturdy denim/khaki that is still in good shape. I hang onto all of those because they are not inexpensive and hard to come by at thrift shops, so I usually wind up buying them new. With four boys, I know the items will be used again so I don't mind saving some things.

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I like the idea of consignment... then thrift. I had 7 or 8 boxes loaded in the truck to do that with last year, and the day came to deliver to the consignment shop and I was in tears, and hauled them all back out to the barn (where my storage room is). Not currently trying for a baby, although I did lose one 3 years ago and I think that is making it harder. This past week I so wanted to have another baby and was thankful I still had a room full of stuff, but today I am back to thinking it will never happen why keep it.


Thank you for the replies! Just may be the encouragement to do something!

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