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I almost killed the dog! :(

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It's hours later and I still feel sick to my stomach. We are going to the beach tomorrow so I was going in and out of the house to the van putting stuff in and shifting stuff about. I was so busy that I didn't even notice that the dog was following me...she's a tiny thing. Apparently during one of those trips she hopped into the van and I shut it not knowing she was in there. An hour and half later my son and I go to leave when he asks why the dog is in the van. My heart stopped when I turned around and saw her sitting in the back seat panting heavily and the hair under her mouth soaking wet. I dropped my keys and purse, left all the doors open, scooped up the dog and ran with her into the house. I got her a huge bowl of fresh water and encouraged to drink as much as I could and then took her to my bathroom to wet her down. I had just watched the Dog Whisperer the other day where he said that the best way to cool down a dog is to wet their chest so that's what I did.


She doesn't seem any worse for the wear even though she was out there between 12 and 1:30 and was even wagging her tail when we first saw her. She still is wagging and apparently she still loves me despite it all. I'm just sick though. She is getting a lot of extra love and attention today. I had always worried about this happening to a kid but it never occurred to me that the dog would be the one to get locked in. My poor baby! :(

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Awww! How frightening!


I almost killed my dog once by accidental strangulation. I put him away in his crate without noticing he still had a training collar on. The ring to the collar got hooked on a wire on the crate. When I discovered him several hours later, his eyes were bulging and bloodshot! Oh, I felt like a horrible, horrible dog owner!


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Thanks for the sympathy. I'm not sure that it's deserved but it sure is welcomed. If she had died because of my carelessness, I don't know what I would have done. The guilt and grief would have been unbearable. I hope my son takes away from this just how quickly and easily something like this can happen. I hope this stays in the back of his mind when the day comes when he has his own children and reminds him to stay always vigilant. Even Mom can mess up big time.

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The same type thing happened here on Friday! We came home after being gone for 5 hours to hear yelping and crying coming from our shop. We opened the door to find our DOG shut up in there. Thank the Lord we had had a HUGE storm come through Friday morning and it dropped our temps down. It rained, hailed, stormed for a good hour or more. My dh had gone into the shop to get some things for a job site. The storm was brewing at that point, so she was scared and followed him in. He called her out and shut the door, but then he remember *one more thing*. He said he HONESTLY did not see her follow him back in, and he was literally running because the storm was upon us. Poor girl!


We had commented all morning on how it was so cool. We are SO GLAD it was! She was queen for the afternoon that is for sure.

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