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Question about self teaching piano course or book or DVD??

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My 9 yo dd has a huge love of all things music. She took keyboard lessons a few years ago but we stopped when she started ps. Now that we are returning to hs, I'd like to get her started again. However, lessons can be pricey and I'm leery of any extra spending until I see how fuel prices pan out.


SO....does anyone have any recommendations for a book or DVD that dd could learn from until we can afford lessons. She has a great ear and can pick pieces out, given enough time. I'd like to jump on this while she's motivated.

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Until you are able to afford real lessons, this might serve you well. We used Piano Course for Christians for years, and it was great for us. You might look at their site to determine what book might be best for your dd to start with.




I would recommend getting the cds. Your dd can hear how the song should sound, and you can decide to let her move on to the next song when she is able to keep up with the cd. We asked a friend who is a piano teacher to see the kids maybe a couple times a year to evaluate their progress and make suggestions.

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