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Please pray for my family

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My parents are really having a hard time financially and it is starting to take its toll on us. My dad can't get a decent job to support us and he is having trouble taking care of bills and even the smallest things. We almost got the electricity shut off on us and the water too. I am trying to get a job so I can help out but no one wants to hire me right now. My mom is a stay at home mom and she is thinking of putting the little ones back in school so that she can find a job. We don't own our own home, and our outside family is absolutly terrible. They won't help us with anything, they are all horrible people that have done just things that have hurt my family and I so we have no one. Our friends have also come upon hard times so they need prayers too.


Sometimes I wonder why God just hasn't opened any doors for us yet, but I try not to think like that because that isn't going to get us anywhere. The one thing I need to get is a job so if something happens and my parents need the money, I can help them. They ALWAYS pay me back as soon as the money they needed gets in. But we are close to being kicked out and my family and I are stuck, we just don't know what to do anymore and I get scared thinking of what might happen to us if my dad can't make ends meet.


Please if you all wouldn't mind, would you say an extra prayer for us, we really need it. :crying:

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:grouphug: I think it's great that you would consider getting a job to help your family. Your parents must be proud of you.


My dh has been out of work also. He has finally gotten a new job, but has had to wait to start. I think God is teaching us a lesson in patience and trusting Him. Keep praying!

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Thank you all for your prayers, I am trying to keep my faith through this storm, and even though it isn't easy, I am truly thankful for all of your prayers. They make a big difference!:001_smile:




There are so many more people who have it worse, and I try to thank God for what I have and not what my family and I don't have.

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Praying with you and trusting God for answers. And I have the same question as Mama Geek. Would it be possible for you to step in and watch over the little ones while Mom goes to work?


As long as you keep your eyes on the Lord more than on the problems, you WILL get through this trial. That has always worked for me and my family.




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Praying with you and trusting God for answers. And I have the same question as Mama Geek. Would it be possible for you to step in and watch over the little ones while Mom goes to work?


As long as you keep your eyes on the Lord more than on the problems, you WILL get through this trial. That has always worked for me and my family.





Yes I have stepped in to help school my younger siblings, but my mom feels it is unfair that I have to school them on top of everything else I do. I said I was fine and that I could put off my education to help my parents and little siblings out. We sat down and discussed it, my parents said that my education is important too and that I need to worry more about that.:glare: I wouldn't mind doing high school for an extra year, my parents already have enough on their minds, maybe I can convince them that I can school my siblings.


And I will keep my mind on the Lord, it's the enemy that tries to play with my mind that can make it hard to focus on Him.


"I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13


Praying here, sweetie. You are an amazing young lady! :grouphug:


Thank you so much! I love the encouragement that you all have given me and my family, I am so glad that there are people like you all out there in this foreign world. (sometimes I consider it foreign with what all that goes on.):)

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:grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you all. I am impressed with what a wonderful, mature woman you are. I know you know this, but to encourage you...


"All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. " Romans 8:28


and one of my favorites:


"' For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you, and not to harm you; plans to give you HOPE and a GOOD future."


I know it's hard to see it all right now, or for anything to make sense. But I know His plans for you are GOOD, so I'm believing with you for that better tomorrow! :grouphug: Hang in there!

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Yes I have stepped in to help school my younger siblings, but my mom feels it is unfair that I have to school them on top of everything else I do. I said I was fine and that I could put off my education to help my parents and little siblings out. We sat down and discussed it, my parents said that my education is important too and that I need to worry more about that.:glare: I wouldn't mind doing high school for an extra year, my parents already have enough on their minds, maybe I can convince them that I can school my siblings.


Well I agree with what your parents are saying too. Your siblings are their responsibility, not yours. What I meant really was you helping them out, like being there with the kiddos while Mom is working and making sure that they do the assignments that have been laid out for them in advance. (That is what we do at our house, but it's my mom that is there with my dd when I go to work.)


You are so awesome to be willing to help your family out this way. Your parents have clearly done a great job of raising you, and your unselfishness is a beautiful thing.




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:grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you all. I am impressed with what a wonderful, mature woman you are. I know you know this, but to encourage you...


"All things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. " Romans 8:28


and one of my favorites:


"' For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you, and not to harm you; plans to give you HOPE and a GOOD future."


I know it's hard to see it all right now, or for anything to make sense. But I know His plans for you are GOOD, so I'm believing with you for that better tomorrow! :grouphug: Hang in there!


I love those bible verses, they have brought me a lot of encouragement and I am happy that you shared them with me again. I will keep the Faith!


It's OK to wonder. :grouphug: Praying.


Sometimes I start to lose faith when I wonder why, so I try to stay away from that. Thank you for your prayers!


:grouphug:I'm praying for you. You are such a wonderful, mature young woman. You're family must be so proud. :)


Thank you, my parents always try to compliment me on what I do and tell me that they are proud of me for what I have done. Thank you for praying for me and my family!


Well I agree with what your parents are saying too. Your siblings are their responsibility, not yours. What I meant really was you helping them out, like being there with the kiddos while Mom is working and making sure that they do the assignments that have been laid out for them in advance. (That is what we do at our house, but it's my mom that is there with my dd when I go to work.)


You are so awesome to be willing to help your family out this way. Your parents have clearly done a great job of raising you, and your unselfishness is a beautiful thing.





Thank you so much! My parents are thinking of putting my younger brother back in school (he's 8) for one year because he can be slightly difficult to school, while the others stay home. So I would just be schooling my little sister (she's 6) and my other little brother (he's almost 5). I don't think that is so bad, and my 14 year old sister can take care of my baby sister while we are schooling. I think it's a good idea! I do think what you said makes sense though, if my mom can just give me the assignments, I can school them. I like teaching, so I won't have any problems. Thank you for praying!


Prayed here and a great big :grouphug:for you all. Love your song choice! Everything will work out, thank you God.




Alison thank you so much! I am glad you like the song choice, I like it because it is encouraging and it shows that God is still there for you no matter what happens. I just have to keep my faith strong.


And a big thank you to everyone else that has prayed for my family, you are all amazing prayer warriors!:)

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