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I think I'm going to lose my mind!

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I have a brother and sister over our house...my dd and ds's best friends. THEY WILL NOT WALK THROUGH MY HOUSE!!! They run - everywhere! It's driving me crazy. I try to be pleasant, "E, please walk" or "Please don't run". But they just barely glance at me while they continue to run from room to room. They are 7 and 10...definitely old enough to know better.


FWIW, my dc tend to run through the house too, but I always send them back from whence they come and make them walk again.


It's funny, in our smaller home we did not have this problem. But now with bigger rooms and longer hallways I'm always telling the kids to walk! UGH!



(who's feeling cranky, sleep deprived, and incredibly noise intolerant today)

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FWIW, my dc tend to run through the house too, but I always send them back from whence they come and make them walk again.


I was going to suggest this...:) It is what I do with my ds8 and I would do the same to guests. (only children---not grown-ups :lol:)

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I have a brother and sister over our house...my dd and ds's best friends. THEY WILL NOT WALK THROUGH MY HOUSE!!! They run - everywhere! It's driving me crazy. I try to be pleasant, "E, please walk" or "Please don't run". But they just barely glance at me while they continue to run from room to room. They are 7 and 10...definitely old enough to know better.


FWIW, my dc tend to run through the house too, but I always send them back from whence they come and make them walk again.


It's funny, in our smaller home we did not have this problem. But now with bigger rooms and longer hallways I'm always telling the kids to walk! UGH!



(who's feeling cranky, sleep deprived, and incredibly noise intolerant today)


Send these kids back from whence they came and make them walk. And if they won't do that, send them outside or let them sit on the couch. Period.


Your house, your rules. A 7 and 10 y/o should not disobey you EVER.

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The down side to abundant square footage! LOL My dd does the same thing at my friend's house. She (the friend) has a house with 4000 sq ft. My house has less than 800 sq ft. I think it's just some sort of natural response to open areas. My friend's dc have the same problem. They want to run through the house all the time. If your guests can't obey, they need to go outside or go home.

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