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Writing curriculum for gifted writer?


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I haven't been to these boards in well over a year and I am very pleased with the new format! Anyway, sorry if this has been asked about a gazillion times, but my 10yo dd wants nothing more than to be a successful writer when she grows up. She is very verbally gifted and reads, spells, and has language expression at near adult level. Should I be using a writing curriculum with her or should I just let her write when she wants to write? She writes stories quite often on her own time, but I think there is more to writing than just writing stories all the time. I must mention that even though she loves to write, she balks at structured writing curriculum more often than not (though she has enjoyed Wordsmith Apprentice some). I don't expect her to enjoy everything we do, but I don't want to turn her off from writing at the same time when it's something she currently enjoys very much.


She reads constantly (plenty of classics) and we have also done tons of copywork over the years as well as some Latin studies.


I should also mention that she has a slight fine motor delay and is still working on mastering her handwriting so anything that does not require a lot of written work would be excellent. She types very well now so anything on the computer would be good.





3 girls & 1 boy

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The program teaches the conventions of writing and beginning literature analysis skills. He loves the items he has read (poems, novels, short stories). The program is completed fairly independently by him. There are numerous writing assignments throughout the chapters and he can pick and chose which to do.





Here are a few other writing programs I considered:












Good Luck.

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Thanks to you both... I'm going to look at one site each day and fully explore each program before I decide. I've already looked at Lightning Lit & Comp and it looks wonderful! I'm ready to buy it now! My daughter read a sample lesson and she really liked it too.


Thanks so much!


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