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Vocabulary Workshop-do we need the TM?

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I like for my kids to check their own work, so I order their books early in the summer and write all the answers in a spiral notebook. -It's easy to do and great review for me as well.


You are amazing. I wish I could do this.


This is my slacker-mom method: Don't check the answers on the regular exercises. Give them the test and see that their grade is 100 or 95 at least.;)


I guess this method wouldn't be effective if my VW users didn't do well. My basic test includes having them write the word (check for correct spelling) and write the definition. I don't do this consistently any more with my high schooler, but I used to have her also write the part of speech and a sentence for the word (an idea I got from Kolbe Academy). I've slacked off on this, though, with my high schooler because it doesn't seem worth the time since she picks up vocab. easily and her time would be better spent with other things.

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