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The Church in History by Kuiper-yes or no? Any alternatives?

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Looking for a church history book for dd (rising 6th grader) and I to read together. We are Reformed, but I hear that The Church in History by Kuiper is very biased to the point of being unpalatable? Have you used it and if so, what did you think?


We basically want something to explain Church history from Reformed perspective-including how Catholicism came to be and how it relates, etc. And on a logic-stage level (and not dry and boring-lol!) I really just want a general flow but with some detail.


I think Church in History fits the bill, but I'm wondering about the bias. (Obviously some bias is fine and probably even necessary.)


(We are using MOH 2 and 3 next yr for Middle Ages/Ren/Ref so that will have some of it.)

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We used Kuiper's book in TOG and good grief was it confusing! Maybe it was due to the way TOG had it scheduled, I don't know, but it seemed to skip and flit about all over the place and we couldn't keep the people/places/etc. straight. :blink: I finally dropped it and picked up Shelley's book Church History in Plain Language. Since I was reading to/with my ds I didn't care that it was a designated Rh level TOG book. It was a MUCH BETTER BOOK! We didn't finish it, but what we did read was more organized and written clearer than Kuiper's. I can't off-hand think of any other choices out there, though I'm sure there are some, but definitely look into Shelley's book. ;)

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I use The Church in History with my high schoolers and have not found it to be too biased to use (I wouldn't use it if I were Catholic). It was not confusing to my kids and we have had lots of great discussions from the readings.


I use the History Lives series up through middle grades. We enjoy those as well.

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I ordered the Shelley book from my library to take a look at-it looks really good and I found some other old threads about it where people liked it. (I liked your links too, Kareni, thank you!)


And yes, we have and love all of the History Lives books-thanks!

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Oh, and we also like the History Lives series by Brandon and Mindy Withrow...


Peace and Peril

Monks and Mystics

Courage and Convicion

Hearts and Hands

Rescue and Redeem


If you've not heard of them you can find them all on Amazon. ;)


:iagree:These are excellent for history in a story-telling form. You might also look at Christian History Made Easy, which also has a free, downloadable study guide:



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