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The Church in History by Kuiper-yes or no? Any alternatives?

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Looking for a church history book for dd (rising 6th grader) and I to read together. We are Reformed, but I hear that The Church in History by Kuiper is very biased to the point of being unpalatable? Have you used it and if so, what did you think?


We basically want something to explain Church history from Reformed perspective-including how Catholicism came to be and how it relates, etc. And on a logic-stage level (and not dry and boring-lol!) I really just want a general flow but with some detail.


I think Church in History fits the bill, but I'm wondering about the bias. (Obviously some bias is fine and probably even necessary.)


(We are using MOH 2 and 3 next yr for Middle Ages/Ren/Ref so that will have some of it.)

Edited by HappyGrace
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Ok, I've seen Kuiper on lists and keep wondering why. We read it in grad school.


Move on. Strider had a more accessible church history book she had recommended. Or look at the MARR recs in the VP catalog. The online class did a great job of pulling it together for dd.

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Strider here. :D


When I took a church history class, we used Church History in Plain Language by Shelley. I liked it so well I have bought every updated version published in the years since. Two years ago at family camp, I asked a church history professor her opinion and she affirmed that this book is "a good one."


Hewitt has a course that uses this book--I am considering buying it. You might take a look.

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Thanks, Strider!


I did some poking around on the high school board and found this one, and it looks very good, thanks! I ordered it from my library to take a look at it. It is over 500 pages-probably too much for dd, but at least maybe we can read the parts of it that we are most interested in.


Did you find it to be neutral, or what is the bias? Neutral is ok, but I was hoping for at least Protestant in flavor, if possible.


Thank you!

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Thanks, Strider!


I did some poking around on the high school board and found this one, and it looks very good, thanks! I ordered it from my library to take a look at it. It is over 500 pages-probably too much for dd, but at least maybe we can read the parts of it that we are most interested in.


Did you find it to be neutral, or what is the bias? Neutral is ok, but I was hoping for at least Protestant in flavor, if possible.


Thank you!


It's more Protestant in flavor, though I don't think overly so.


The length might be a bit much for a 6th grader, but the tone is "plain language." The later in history you go, the more complex the book becomes. You might be able to skim over or summarize some of the more complicated church politics.


ETA: I personally am evangelical, so my reading is from that context. However, most of my family are Catholic and I grew up with heavy (and happy) Catholic influence specifically through my much-adored grandma and a cousin who was a nun (she was my penpal for a while). The course I took was taught as part of an evangelical school.

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Hey Strider, is there a way to see the Hewitt course in person? (I mean aside from buying, lol.) Do they do conventions or get carried by a vendor? I'm realizing I'm very out of the loop on these interesting offerings!


Not that I am aware of. It's a big frustration.


Having said that, I am using both Lightning Lit as well as Hewitt's American History (Hakim). I am so pleased and impressed with both of those that I am willing to purchase their Church History stuff sight unseen--if I hate it I'll send it back (losing the cost of shipping but c'est la vie). If you didn't live so far I'd say to come on over for tea and curriculum-browsing.

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Thanks so much, Strider! It sounds great. And now you have me interested in Hewitt as well! They need to do samples!!


OhE-yes, this is prbly how I will do it-just look up info in Plain Language that is pertinent to our topics as we go along.


ETA: can you plz tell me which history programs I am looking for from Hewitt? Their site is a pain to navigate! And I never even knew they had so much history stuff; only ever looked at LL!

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Thanks so much, Strider! It sounds great. And now you have me interested in Hewitt as well! They need to do samples!!


OhE-yes, this is prbly how I will do it-just look up info in Plain Language that is pertinent to our topics as we go along.


ETA: can you plz tell me which history programs I am looking for from Hewitt? Their site is a pain to navigate! And I never even knew they had so much history stuff; only ever looked at LL!



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Thanks, Strider-I found the Church History course you were talking about. Unfortunately, no samples :(


I'd ask for a link to the American History course, but I assume there are no samples there either.


Maybe I will email them for samples!


And thank you, Chris-I am going to order that one too. I think it will be more manageable and be a good jumping off point. I can compare it to "Sketches" and see which one would work better. They both look more age appropriate than the Shelley (which *I* am looking forward to reading over the summer! I've never learned any church history and this will be good reading for me.)

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Quick update-I got Church History in Plain Language and I love it----for *me*. It's a bit much for her, but it will really help me teach Church History more knowledgeably, and I can certainly use it for reference.


Still going to order Sketches and 100 Events-they look like great books and more on her level. They are perfect for her but they look a little more "disjointed" though for my reading-not in a bad way, just more jumping from one event to another, and Plain Language is more of a "flow".


I am thrilled to have the variety-thanks to all who responded!

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