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Do you make your kids play outside?

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Right now, I am being 'mean', and making all of the kids play outside.

They are driving me crazy. We live in gloomy PA, and we generally have to stay inside much of the year. But, this is the time of year when the outdoor world opens up to us, and all they want to do is come back in the house. :eek:


Honestly, the yard is not overwhelmingly exciting. But the house isn't either. And I limit the TV and video games, so I'm not really sure why they would rather play in the teeny tiny house than play outside. I even let them take a lot of their toys outside, and that hasn't helped very much. :banghead:


If it was up to me, I would be outside 'playing', but I have to stay inside and make dinner. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, I'm a mean mom and make my boys go outside...AND I make them run around and get some exercise when they're out there (no sitting on the porch and counting it as outside time). Once they're outside, they have a great time. When it's beastly hot, I go out with them first thing and they bike while I run. They're like caged animals if they don't get exercise every day. Besides, fresh air does a body good!

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Yes I do. When the weather is nice I absolutely chase them outdoors. They seem to play much better when theyr'e outside than inside anyhow, even though sometimes they'd really rather be inside. I don't think there's anything wrong with making children play outside when the weather is nice.

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No. Some people think being outside in the fresh air is healthy and encourages exercise. When I was young, we always sat in the shade to escape the sun or in a sheltered area to escape the cold. Well, we did play ball sometimes, but most of the time we just sat around. And our moms stayed inside, warm or cool depending on season. It was grossly unfair.

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Yep. It's been part of our routine for the last two months or so. After quiet time, typically, they don swim stuff and get out there. The sprinkler, hose, sand box, slip n slide, wading pool, etc make it more enticing. Lately I've been known to bribe them with a popsicle.

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My kids play outside almost every day. They love it. Mine might be strange, but it's totally not a punishment and all of the kids around here play outside, too.


In the winter they're bundled and out-in the summer they're playing basketball or in the pool.


I have to say, we have no air conditioner and they adapt to the weather much easier-even I do, so that might have something to do with it.

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Yes, I chase mine outside if the weather is at all nice. Our winters are very long (we are still waiting for summer :glare:) and I just can't see "wasting" even one nice day inside.


They might grumble a bit, but it doesn't take them too long to find something fun to do.



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I just can't imagine needing to encourage, let alone enforce, outside play, even now when it's winter. Around here it's more a case of asking them to come in after they've been out for a few hours!


There are lots of ways you could try to make your yard more attractive, depending on what your kids like. A few ideas:

You could design and make your own play equipment (your 8yo could maybe help with this) - a climbing frame, or an obstacle course, or a little cubby house / wendy house (not sure what you call them, but ykwim) or a fort. A zipline. If you can source a large drainage pipe, you can dig it in to make a tunnel / cave. A noise making wall. A special track for their bikes, scooters or toy cars and trucks. A basketball hoop or other equipment for whatever sport they like. A fairy ring or a fairy bower (not all boys like these, but many little girls do). A mudpie kitchen. A water play area with a slippery slide for hot days (if water conservation isn't an issue where you live). A sandpit if you don't already have one. A little garden bed for each child where they can grow their choice of flowers or vegetables.


Maybe you could also set an example by trying to be outside a bit more yourself. I get that you have stuff to do inside, but maybe things like reading aloud to them outside, or having picnic lunches, or whatever.


What is it they like to do inside? Can you find similar things they can do outside?

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I have one child that I have to make go outside in the winter and one that I have to make go outside in the summer!


Nik would happily sled and throw snowballs and end up with frostbite in the winter months. He'll also happily play outside in the fall when things cool down. In the spring, when it is wet, and in the summer, when it is hot and humid, he wants to stay inside and read.


Nate will play outside in the winter if it isn't too cold, but he's inside 30 minutes later begging for hot cocoa. In the spring, summer, and fall I can't keep him inside. He would love it if I served him all meals outdoors so that he didn't have to come inside except to use the bathroom!


Most summers I get Nik to play outside by going out, too. I don't know why having me out there makes it easier for him to endure, but it does. So I spend my time in the garden, playing with the kids, or sitting inthe shade reading a book. This year I am pregnant and unable to easily garden, too uncomfortable to play, and too distracted to read. I'm going to hope that one summer of little outside time won't harm him too much. lol

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Yes. My kids aren't big on playing outside. They would much rather sit inside and watch tv or play video games (which I am starting to extremely limit). We live in NW Washington where we hardly ever see the sun, lol. This past week we've had some beautiful weather. I was the mean mom and forced them to go outside. You know what? They made friends, had water gun fights, and had an absolute blast. My two middle boys told me on Saturday that it was the best day of their lives, lol (we've had many big adventures so I'm pretty sure they weren't serious; they were just trying to express how much fun they were having). Today it's back to being rainy so they can stay inside.

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No. Some people think being outside in the fresh air is healthy and encourages exercise. When I was young, we always sat in the shade to escape the sun or in a sheltered area to escape the cold. Well, we did play ball sometimes, but most of the time we just sat around. And our moms stayed inside, warm or cool depending on season. It was grossly unfair.


I think it is reasonable to except kids to go outside to play given certain circumstances. If the kids are playing in a way that would be better suited to outside. (ball, chase, wild games of any kind)


Or if you offer them a choice. For example I would happily go for a bike ride, go the park, ... but I wouldn't play make believe pirates in the back yard. Since I feel my kids need a certain amount of physical activity I offer them a choice, and if they pick back yard they know I wouldn't join them.


When my boys can't seem to get into a game I tell them they must go play outside for 10 minutes. After those ten minutes then they get a treat. Most of the time they end up staying outside for much longer. Either way if gives them a chance of place that usually leads to more fun. And for them being outside usually involves at least moderate exercise.


But I do agree I never go the idea that kids where getting exercise just from being outside, when they just sit or lie around.

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Abso-freaking-lutely!! When my 10 year old son has four or five friends over....they are NOT playing in my house. They're boys, it's summer, go play. And they do. Trampolines, dirt hills, sprinklers, bike riding, the pool. My son usually leaves around 10 AM and I don't see him until he's hungry. He pops in for lunch (sometimes) and dinner and that's it. Today's agenda....rode his bike until 1 PM...went to the pool with a neighbor until five....karate until 6:30, then a b-day party until 9:30 or 10 PM. Such a nice mommy break from the cold Utah winters. I get to be alone, on my porch, with a book and a cold drink. Heaven.

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In the past there were times my son didn't want to play outside. He is 5 & this summer he & his friends made a "secret hideout"...granted we live on a acre & have trees & bushes for him to explore, but just that sense of "going on an adventure" outside has him out there first thing in the morning & sometimes I can't hardly get him to come back in for lunch & dinner & bedtime!:)


I also let him play with the hose pretty much at liberty - he also has a sandbox & toys to play with if he wants. But that sense of exploration has him going all day. Do you have a bug catcher? You can make a homemade one & give them ideas to go dig for worms , or catch bugs,etc Sometimes you might have to do it with them to get them going & hopefully they'll take off with it.

Edited by 3peasinWa
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Nope. I have to make my kids play inside. They would play outside from dawn to dusk if I let them. And I would gladly let them if we didn't live next to a pond (literally next to) without a fence, with 3 varieties of poisonous snakes and 2 types of poisonous spiders and snapping turtles that like to cross our yard. Yeah, I can't sit outside with them 12 hours a day (or at least watch from the kitchen), so the poor deprived children are limited to 2-4 hours/day. :001_rolleyes:


Actually I came inside for a moment and can see them from the window. Now they are throwing rocks in the driveway, which they know they aren't supposed to do. So yeah, I make my kids play inside...

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Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate post but I answered and it seems to have disappeared. :confused:


I will push the kids to play outside regardless of temperature if we can go to the pool. We will avoid the sunniest parts of the day unless we're somewhere shady because they are both very fair skinned and will burn easily.


I will stay inside if there are Air Quality Warnings or Head Advisories (like we have for the next two days) since they are a nightmare with my asthma. My kids are too young to be outside alone and I refuse to go out if I won't be able to breathe.


Whoops: Just realized I answered the other thread about playing outside. :001_smile:

I'll add that I'm more likely to send them outside (and be there with them) in hot weather than really cold weather. It's usually dh who takes them to play in the snow.

Edited by dottieanna29
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I have an "out for an hour" rule but I don't need to enforce it. The kids are in and out all day in all kinds of weather. They play in the yard, go for walks in the neighborhood, or even just sit outside and read if it is hot. We have lots of snow gear so that they can spend lots of time outside in the winter. They spend a lot of time up trees and I spend a lot of time combing sap out of hair.:D

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It's usually not hard to get DS out because we have several other 10-12yr. old boys on our street and there is almost always some one to play with. DD is 13 and a little harder because there just aren't any other young teen girls here, but I do encourage her to get out for some fresh air each day.

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I just can't imagine needing to encourage, let alone enforce, outside play, even now when it's winter. Around here it's more a case of asking them to come in after they've been out for a few hours!


There are lots of ways you could try to make your yard more attractive, depending on what your kids like. A few ideas:

You could design and make your own play equipment (your 8yo could maybe help with this) - a climbing frame, or an obstacle course, or a little cubby house / wendy house (not sure what you call them, but ykwim) or a fort. A zipline. If you can source a large drainage pipe, you can dig it in to make a tunnel / cave. A noise making wall. A special track for their bikes, scooters or toy cars and trucks. A basketball hoop or other equipment for whatever sport they like. A fairy ring or a fairy bower (not all boys like these, but many little girls do). A mudpie kitchen. A water play area with a slippery slide for hot days (if water conservation isn't an issue where you live). A sandpit if you don't already have one. A little garden bed for each child where they can grow their choice of flowers or vegetables.


Maybe you could also set an example by trying to be outside a bit more yourself. I get that you have stuff to do inside, but maybe things like reading aloud to them outside, or having picnic lunches, or whatever.


What is it they like to do inside? Can you find similar things they can do outside?



These are great ideas. Part of the problem is that we are living in a house that is not ours. The house and the yard are both very small. The house we moved from (which is still for sale :tongue_smilie:) had 3 1/2 acres with grass, trees, a flat area for bikes & chalk, and a beautiful swingset (which is still ours, but we're not going to move it until we have a permanent place to move it to).

We have gotten a few things for the back yard here (sand table, kiddie pool when it's hot), but the yard itself is so much less interesting.


I often play with them outside, go for walks, or go to the park, but I get so frustrated when they act like they *can't* play by themselves.

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We have slides, swings, sandpit, playhouse, basketball hoop, climbing frame, trampoline, bikes, scooters, bats, balls... the list goes on, out there. My DD will play outside happily for hours if left alone, but most of the time you would think I'd asked him to cut of his fingers if I send DS out. Not that he's not active, he just prefers to do it all inside. He will go out, play for about 10 minutes, then he's back. I guess some kids just like being outside more than others.

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If kids are over when I'm trying to clean, I will absolutely make them play outdoors as long as it's not too hot or too cold.


Most of the time, I don't have to worry about it. Dd and friends would rather be outside riding bikes or scooters, climbing trees, playing in mud, catching frogs, or rescuing chipmunks from cats.

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