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Sinus infections... what do you do? m

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Okay, I kept out of the Dr. office with the uti... and almost got through spring blooms without too much allergy/sinus trouble, but now...


I have a lot of pressure in sinus area, stuffed up, just a slight pain - mostly annoying, I can tell "stuff" is clogged up, up there. I have a distinct "smell" that is like when I had a really bad cold as a child and ended up with an infection.


I have been trying to flush out the area with a mild salt water solution - just pouring in one side with my head tilted sideways and letting it get up into the sinuses... but it's not breaking up... any "avoid the Dr. by doing this..." tips??




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I think you are doing the right thing. You could try some ibruprofen to reduce the swelling of the nasal passages. You can use Vicks or a strong eucalyptus or other strong-smelling oil on your chest/throat. You can try getting it to drain by not laying down--prop up with pillows.

I hate the stuffies! I've got the sneezy/runny thing going on now.

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I prefer a "face dip" to the neti pot -- using a bowl full of warm saline and an iodine solution I've bought through Garden of Life.


Add to that warm herbal tea (tisane), usually with some coconut oil, twice-daily salt water gargles, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory as needed.


If it "feels" like more than seasonal allergies, I start mainlining garlic-chicken soup, as well as elderberry extracts and echineacea tisanes.


If you're not dairy averse, plain yoghurt with honey can do wonders, too, for boosting the immune system.


Hot showers can be helpful, especially in combination with a menthol-eucalyptus ointment like Vick's.


Hydrate, take your multi-vitamins, keep moving if you can...



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Ascorbic acid (aka vitamin C) & grapefruit seen extract. Cleans them out in no time. I don't own a neti pot, though. I use the Ascorbic acid crystals due to food sensitivities and to reduce the nastiness of the GSE (but you could take that in juice).

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