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How do you schedule Lial's Prealgebra; is it one section per day?

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I usually take 2 days to go through a section. I copy out the problems for my ds and sit with him while he does math. But if you want to move faster just do odds and go thru in a day.


When I copy out the examples I do it step by step and sit with him and show him how to do it.


Then after that I usually stay nearby.


He continually messes up signs if I do not remind him, so that's the main issue we have.


It is ESSENTIAL that they change all subtraction to addition. Dont let them argue you out of it. LOL

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So when you are saying, "2 days per section", does that mean take one day to teach the whole first part (with all the objectives/examples) and then the whole exercise section on the next day?


Or on day 1 teach part of the first part (maybe half of the objectives/examples), and then have them do any exercises that go with that first part? But then how would you know which exercises go with that part?


Maybe if you give me examples of where/how you do your "break" into two days I could understand better. I don't see any clue in the introduction as to how to break it up!

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We go over the section together step by step and do the examples, then the next day he does the odds. But, we started the intro to algebra section a few days ago, and my 6th grader is having a tough time, so he is also doing the even problems the third day

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I think Jann recommends doing half the lesson, then the odds associated with them (before each problem set it refers back to which exercises they're associated with), and then the next half the next day.


However, after having a false start with BCM this year (and doing it at the 2-day per section pace), we switched to Prealgebra and had to pick up the pace to finish it by the end of the year (we'll be done at the end of the week). My dd has done most sections in a day, and has actually still spent less time on math than her sister doing Singapore DM (this really chaps the hide of dd2).


We'll do the Algebra next year - I have to sit down with it and see how we'll take it. I'd love it if she could still do many of the sections in one day rather than two, then we could maybe have some time to dabble in Patty Paper Geometry or something else more "fun".

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