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Any other kiddos make mischief this week?! m

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Just to let you know, I didn't laugh in front of my son who this story is about, and he is in trouble... but I have been cracking up at this to myself...


He and his brother walk home from school a bit late yesterday and he comes up to me saying, "Some MAN came up to us handed us a kitten and ran away!" (I cannot believe I fell for this one!) I ask to see the kitten, which is tiny and cute, but we absolutely cannot have a cat. I ask son again what happened, "Yeah, some man just came up to us, gave us the cat and ran off!" So, I call the animal control and repeat the ridiculous tale to them, asking them to come and pick up the little kitten. As I am giving the address brother comes up and says, "He lied to you. We went to a friends' house after school and took the kitten." I repeat the new information to animal control and thank them for their time, the lady must have been laughing, too.


So, down the road we go a-walkin to return kitty and I tell son several times that he must never lie to me and that he will be in trouble (that part is not funny) but as I tell dh we crack up at the story he told - sounded straight out of a Cosby show. Hope you get a chuckle, too...

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Oh YES!!! My 5yod was over at my sister's house (lives next door) and my dad walked her back over to our house because she was telling him she had to go to the bathroom really bad and she wanted to go home to do her business. When she came into the house my dad tells me she just had to come home and use the bathroom. But instead, she runs to her room and when asked about the bathroom she said she didn't have to go anymore. Five minutes later, my sister calls and asks me if my dd had accidently grabbed her remote when she picked up her stuff to go home. I ask dd if she had seen aunt's remote and she says, "Yes, it was in aunt's living room." End of story, so I thought...couple minutes later my dd tells me she has to tell me something but she didn't want to tell the truth because she was afraid I would get mad. I explain to her that lying always ends up getting you into more trouble and so on. She proceeds to tell me she took my sister's remote. I calmly asked why she would take something that wasn't hers. Her reply, "Well, we needed one." (We recently lost remote to DVD player which has proved to be difficult to play some movies.) We had a long discussion afterwards about the consequences of taking things that aren't ours and she had to call aunt and apologize. I'm hoping she has learned a lesson...hopefully!

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Mine is a little different...

ds5 (almost 6) comes into the room where I am at yesterday afternoon. he is in tears and going on about petting the cat and too much fur..and getting it in his mouth and all over his face and hands..trying to get it off.. I can barely understand him because he is crying and so upset....Then comes the kicker...trying to get all this cat fur off he is using either facial tissue or toilet paper..and he is using quite a lot of it....so where has he put it? In the toilet of course...clogged!

Okay, so I go upstairs, telling trying to calm him down, telling him I can unclog the toilet....I get to the top of the stairs and I see a 1" lake in my bathroom! I yelld for my dd7 to go get my mop (like that is really going to help....)! Then I throw every towel I have on the floor, and once soaked through..they go into the shower (still washing them now). I try and reach in and take out this tissue..only can get some of it..so then i try the plunger...no good.... We have a toilet snake so I walk down to the basement to find it...after about 10 minutes I find it..but not quite sure how to use it....

Have I mentioned that I had a migraine before this happened?

I try to use the snake and I just cannot get it...I take a break to fold laundry and break down into tears...recover from that outburst and try again with the snake...i figure it out and the toilet goes down...I clean up and inform ds that he is not to flush tissue any more..he can put it in the waste basket!

Now, our cat is shedding, but how much fur could the kid possibly have on his hands and face?;)

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