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May I ask you Homeschool Tracker+ EXPERTS this question


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I'm in the process of learning HST+ having just printed out the gargantuan manual to study.


I'm setting up my school calender to go from August 1, 2011 to July 27, 2012 (we're going all year as I detest Mississippi summers and I'll be dipped in doodoo before my "break" is during these miserable hot months).

So, I've set it so that we have 180 days of instruction Monday through Friday. After entering this, it states I had 80 days above the minimum requirement. I understand this. I plan to take those 80 days-off and make coupons for us to use as we want to have no school. Perhaps on especially beautiful days, perhaps when daddy's off, --- in short, to use as we will/when we need/want. Which leads to my main question.


Once I set up my assignments/lesson plans, is there a way to get this HST+ to SHIFT my plans to the next instruction day given my dynamic/non-constant throwing in of my "coupon" days? :confused:


Does this make sense?

I hope so, because I really don't want to go through the trouble of lesson planning and it not be shift-able in light of my coupon days-off plan.



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Select the lessons, right click, and select reschedule (or it might also be a button at the top,.. I'm on my phone, so going off memory here).


Also, I don't schedule that far in advance. I submit assignments once a week, or sometimes a few weeks at a time. All of my lesson plans are complete and ready to go, but going on the calendar waits until closer to that time. There are just too many times when I realize I don't need to do certain lessons, or maybe we might need to camp out on a topic, etc.


Anyway, read up on "reschedule" in the manual. It works really well.

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The most fantabulous thing about HST+ is that it has a two-step process - you make the lesson plans with everything in order first, but the dates aren't set till you submit the lessons to the assignment grid. I only assign lessons about a week or two at a time. Even then, it's very easy to reschedule them (just select, right click and reschedule). But it's still much easier to handle everything if you don't submit to the grid too far in advance.

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