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elizabeth files a complaint with the FCC

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Please read my formal complaint to the FCC regarding obscenity on an FM radio broadcast. You all know me fairly well and I am telling you that what I heard made me lurch in the sink. This is beyond depraved but I wanted to share what is really a fine worthy level of obscenity to the FCC. Yes your "bleeding heart, pinko socialist" my self description:lol: board member both loved and despised in equal measure filed a complaint with the FCC . Please know this is the worst thing I have ever , ever heard or read.Please do not read if you are squeamish or virulently homophobic My actual complaint follows.







They were discussing "catching" versus "pitching" in regard to sexual activity involving two men ,when a person who is a gay male who has an ostomy bag. I am a lawyer and am well acquainted with First Amendment Issues and loathe censorship. This broadcast made me physically ill and ashamed for the dee jays telling these cruel and grotesque jokes about someone who has had part of their colon resected due to cancer. The discussion of intercourse with a person's ostomy hole is beyond any community standard and certainly has no artistic or humorous interest. Please do something as this very progressive, liberal, censorship loathing attorney literally became ill listening to what was only appealing to the most depraved, prurient interest. Please do not release my name as they are known for retaliatory tactics . If this is the only complaint you receive I will be both shocked and saddened that no one found this to be cruel and depraved. I never , ever thought I would file a complaint with you but feel I cannot abstain from doing the proper thing in this situation. Thank you


If you are offended forgive me for sharing this I just filed it and wanted to share what was a traumatic moment for me. As a human being and as a first amendment advocate I hope they fine them and mightily. Since it was a joke about gay men they will likely let it go. There are many persons considered unworthy of protection from hate speech and certainly gay men are persecuted the most.

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That is the most disgusting thing I think I have ever heard. I cannot believe a "discussion" like that would not lead to FCC fines. That is absolutely uncalled for. You did the right thing; thank you.

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Yikes. We are pretty much on the opposite ends of the spectrum in many ways I'm sure, but I agree with you 100% here. Good for you for not just letting it slide and actually speaking up! I've gotten to the point where not much offends me, but I would like to think if I heard something like that, I would take action.

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Yikes. We are pretty much on the opposite ends of the spectrum in many ways I'm sure, but I agree with you 100% here. Good for you for not just letting it slide and actually speaking up! I've gotten to the point where not much offends me, but I would like to think if I heard something like that, I would take action.



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What is wrong with people? I just don't get it. That goes beyond being tasteless and inappropriate. I don't think there's even a word to descibe to how gross, crass, and obscene I also would have found a discussion like that.


Thank you for standing up and saying something.

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