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Need suggestions: 7th science w/ activities


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This curriculum is a combined bio, chem and physics program and there is a teacher's guide available that combines all three. Each component is a ten week curriculum for the subject area, complete with reading, use of introductory terminology (not dumbed-down), and experiments. It is easy to do at home, and the materials for the experiments are easy to find.


I split these up for use over 3 years and added other things to supplement each year, but for a good, year-long general science program, it's hard to beat.

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So you used all three...biology, chemistry, and physics? I have heard good things about the chem, not as good things about the other two. Is this your experience?


And did you use level 1? I don't think that level 2 is finished yet, or is it?

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We're a year behind you, but I was sort of thinking of Rainbow Science for 7th. It seems pricey but I guess that comes with the territory in middle grade/high school science. And if I remember correctly it's a two-year course.


I'm going with this again for my 7th grader. The reading is short, so you really need to check that your student gets the main points (using the teacher guide). But in this program, the experiments *always* get done and the reading is not a problem.


Depends on the kid, but dh & I decided to use this again with our upcoming 7th grader.

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We prefer a less formal (textbook approach) with the emphasis on lots of hands on, so below is a general list of what we did for 7th and then 8th grade. BEST of luck finding what works for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.



Earth Science

- Reader's Digest How Earth Works (spine -- also has loads of experiments)

- TOPS Rocks & Minerals (experiments)

- additional resources to flesh out the various topics

(library books, PBS series and online resources of "Savage Earth", PBS Nova episodes, online websites, etc.)



Physical Science (overview of chemistry and physics)

- Reader's Digest How Science Works (spine -- also has loads of experiments)

- TOPS Analysis

- TOPS Solutions

- TOPS Heat

- TOPS Cohesion & Adhesion

- TOPS Motion

- Adventures in Science kit: Electricity

(library books, NOVA episodes, online websites, etc.)

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