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Do I HAVE to do 2 time histories at once?


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OK...OK..I already know the answer to that....of course I do not HAVE to. But here is the situation....


DS will be homeschooling this year and is suddenly interested in Egypt and such. Clearly, it would be best to go ahead and do Ancients with him. But, DD has spent her entire homeschool career in SOTW1 and 2 and related books and such. She has never moved past. I figured this upcoming year, we would "do" SOTW3 with an American History emphasis and then next, SOTW4 with an American History emphasis.


But..I do like to follow child led aspirations. Fortunately, I do have these books on CD, so we can just listen to SOTW1 in the car with younger DS and let DD12 listen in her room and such to the older CD's. But still..then the activities are still an issue.


Should I just do SOTW3 and ignore DS's desires for ancients, figuring he will enjoy this too, or try to go 2 different directions? (I really need DD to move beyond books 1 and 2...she has homeschooled for 4 years and has spent it all in the ancients and the middles ages).

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Can you do SOTW 3 for "real school" and then let DS listen to the ancients cd's in his leisure time? My kids love to listen to the cd's. They think of them as stories, not school, so are more than happy to listen to them in the car and during other non-school times. How old is DS? Could he do the projects on his own for fun on a weekend or evening? You know - get all the materials together as a kit, and he can either play legos or make a mummy:).


If he's really interested, he'll find it fun to do as play. My dd is crazy about astronomy right now. She'll sit down with books about stars and planets in her spare time, and then go online and look up other info.


hope this helps

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If I were making the decision, I would do American history and ensure that I made extra effort to make it fun and interesting so that ds realizes that all history is fascinating and enjoyable. (Perhaps it is only b/c he has seen what you have done in ancients that he thinks it is fun??) Honestly, when it comes to making homeschooling FUNCTION, I ignore my kids. Doubling up on history in our family is a necessity b/c I have to have at least a couple of the kids overlap. This isn't an option.


On the other hand, you don't state you ds's age. If he is in primary grades, the amount of time you need to spend on history is very small. If you have an extra 15 mins and YOU want to let him do ancients, then go ahead. (It simply wouldn't happen here. :) My older kids take priority and the younger kids have to fold in where the older kids are.)

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I would agree that letting your ds do books, projects..etc. on the side, or over the summer would be the way to go. Just personally, I think it would drive me crazy trying to do different time periods in history, and I would bet that when you get into American history your son will find lots to get into! Minute men, Indians, soldiers...

Don't stress about it, as you'll be bringing him through it all again when he's older!


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