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trying to decide between Lials prealgebra and Chalkdust....

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Anyone have thoughts on what is the more "better" program and why? I know everyone has opinions. We are really short on money so CD would have to be found used for cheap, but if Lials will work, great! Let me know what you think! thanks!


Tina in SC

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We personally LOVE chalkdust! Dana Mosely is wonderful! My dd will even admit it now (THAT in itself is amazing!) I love how he walks you through step by step with different examples and there is plenty of practice if your dc needs more practice. If they understand a concept you decide how much practice you want them to do then move on!

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I can't compare the 2 since we've only used Lial's. However, I've spend an embarrassing about of $$ on math over the years, and for the first time, I've gotten a wonderful program with hardly any cost. I can not recommend Lial's enough. It's was the best choice I've ever made and the cheapest!

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I can't compare the 2 since we've only used Lial's. However, I've spend an embarrassing about of $$ on math over the years, and for the first time, I've gotten a wonderful program with hardly any cost. I can not recommend Lial's enough. It's was the best choice I've ever made and the cheapest!


I feel like this as well.


Its been easy to implement and my ds doesn't resist it.


And its a heck of a lot cheaper than Teaching Textbooks!

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I have used Chalkdust pre algebra for less, but no videos (I had them for Basic Math, Algebra 1 and 2 though). And I have Lials, no videos, for Algebra 1 and 2, but not pre algebra.


If you child learns well from videos, I think Chalkdust is great. Unfortunately mine don't. So I stopped using the videos pretty quickly.


I do not like the lay out of the Chalkdust Algebra 1-2 books. They were difficult to teach from. The pre algebra book isn't as bad. And we get through it pretty well with me giving brief lessons.


I love teaching from the Lials Algebra 1 book though. It is very well laid out and makes teaching very easy. My dd isn't very mathy, so she still needs me to explain the lessons, but I think my son will be able to work through them on his own.

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I haven't ever used Chalkdust, but Lial's Prealgebra has been a huge hit here this year. We have the text and solutions manual, but haven't felt a need for the DVTs. My dd works on her own, and dh goes over her work to make sure she's understanding things a couple of times a week.

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Is the Lials prealgebra and algebra set up the same way, meaning, if we do well with the prealgebra, the algebra will be fine as well? I have heard of so many people loving Lials!!


Yes, it's set up just the same way. I already have Lial's Algebra ready to go for next year!

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My daughter finished Chalk Dust prealgebra this year, watching the videos sometimes, other times wanting me to just explain it to her. *I* really like the videos, she thought they were good but too long. She was getting annoyed with any math for a while, but a few weeks ago, she told me she was glad she did Chalk Dust prealgebra, even though it was hard. My jaw dropped, for sure. And she did work hard and come far in math this year. I'm very proud of her.


If you do use Chalk Dust, don't do what we did and skip the chapter and cumulative reviews in favor of trying to "get the book done" by the end of the year. We spend a good month reviewing previous material at the end...


I also have Lial's prealgebra and am considering it for my ds when he's ready. I think you can't go wrong either way.

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