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what does your library lack?

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Ours lacks a lot of good children's literature. I was talking to the head children's librarian and mentioned that I was happy there was now a Newberry section out on display. She shook her head and said that if they didn't get checked out regularly she had to cull them. So I make sure I check out the FIAR, SL (of which there are very few), VP (an even worse selection than SL), and WP books regularly so they stay in the library. Also the biography section is sad, just sad.

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A comfy lounge section with leather sofas and a fireplace. I miss my old library so much! Oh well. It's not like we can ever show our faces there again because my son threw a dictionary over the 3-story railing onto a cart of books below. :auto:

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* Better facilities (our central library is well known for it's decaying downtown structure)

* A better adult section (it's not terrible, but I wouldn't call the adult sections of the library especially well-stocked for a large library system with a large central library)

* Graphic Novels (like most libraries, they're working on building a better collection, but it's still not great)

* Homeschool books (there aren't really any... all the neighboring library systems have at least one branch with a homeschool specific section, but ours does not)

* a more reliable catalog (it's always going down... it's completely absurd, honestly)

* e checkout (it's supposed to be coming... the machines have literally sat in the branches for YEARS now...)


What we DO have:

* an amazing children's book selection, including a couple of really good retrospective branch collections

* a decent adult collection

* a decent staff

* lots of branches and a large central library

* lots of good programming - movies, book clubs, contests, summer reading, story times, author talks, speeches, classes, etc.

* lots of media (music, movies, audiobooks)

* no fines on juvenile materials !!!

* good online services, including databases, e books, audiobooks, overdue reminders, etc. - when the catalog is working, of course...

* a relatively quick holds system

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Ours is very good but dd wanted to research snow leopards the other day, and they didn't have one book on them. Now, that was the branch we were at right then, and I'm sure if I searched the online catalog I would find some books at other branches that I could request. But dd wanted to know that day, so I just found her some safe internet sites to read.

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The only thing our library lacks is biographies for children that are not about sport heros or movie stars. Other than that it is a great library. It is part of a huge county system and I can request books online and pick them up with in days.



And, apparently, I have all the awesome librarians in the library system right at my library. They are the *best* thing about the library. They know us by name, they love my kids, they know what we like and will often reserve books for us based on that. We have shared knitting patterns, funny kid stories, and good cries. All right there at the check out counter. :D They have reassured me when I questioned my abilities to mother/homeschool and think I am doing a great thing. I really love them, and just had to put in a plug for librarians--they are not all bad!



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Nothing -- seriously. I love our library. :001_wub:


If I come across something I think they should have (like Liping Ma), a quick email and they order it within 48 hours! They have a ton of curricula on the shelves so I can actually look through something before I buy it most of the time. There is a huge room with DVDs - about 1/3 are educational. They have ebook checkouts - although I wish they'd get the newer releases quicker. The children's section has a reading tower for kids 7-12, a huge toddler room for kids 5 and under to have all on their own, a slide in the picture book area for kids 6 and under, and a kids computer room with about 40 computers. If you call them and tell them you are learning about a certain subject the children's librarian will collect a milk crate full of resources for you so you to check out. I could go on and on .... I love my library. :D

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